Yes, welcome, smorgana! I'm glad your first impressions are good. It's a great printer, and I'm sure you'll get some great results.
And Maker Faire is definitely worth attending. I'll be there with gr5 at the Ultimaker stand, too. No idea what they'll be announcing though... * whistles nonchalantly *
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gr5 2,230
Hey, welcome. Is there any chance you will go to MakerFaire NYC? There will by about 70,000 people and roughly 7 people from the forum will be there including myself. And some UM employees will be flying in from The Netherlands. And there is a cool announcement from UM on Sep 18 in NYC - if you can make ti let me know and I'll secure an invitation for you and your friends. More details here - as a minimum watch the teaser video (it's only 30 seconds long):
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