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Posted · Mark everything read?

If you click on the UM robot in the home screen of the forum, you mark that topic as read. That's probably the fastest


Yep, but you need to do it for all sections, and this is a pain :oops:


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    Posted · Mark everything read?

    I'm using both those things already (but thanks for the tips), but as Amedee said: You have to click all the icons for all forums. So a mark everything would still be a good thing imo.


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    Posted · Mark everything read?

    Looked around a bit and I couldn't find anything about it more than other people asking for the functionality... I think I could probably make a greasemonkey script for it, but not tonight, I'm freaking exhausted (going on just barely 5 hours of sleep which is way too little for me).


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    Posted · Mark everything read?

    Actually for whatever reason, the 'Mark all as read' action is in the page footer, but it is commented out together with a whole bunch of links


    http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=markasread&marktype=all&k=<your session key>

    Going to this URL will indeed do what it says (and what we would like to have), but we can't bookmark this as the key part is obviously changing ;)

    So we have basically 2 options here:


    • Have a nice webmaster to uncomment the link in the template
    • Write some greasmonkey script -- session key is in ipb.vars['secure_hash'], so it is just the matter of building the mark url...


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    Posted · Mark everything read?

    Here is a quick and dirty GM script which does the job...


    // ==UserScript==
    // @name UMMarkAllRead
    // @namespace http://e-bulles.net
    // @description Add a 'Mark All Read' link in UM Forum
    // @include http://umforum.ultimaker.com/*do=viewNewContent*
    // @version 1
    // @grant none
    // ==/UserScript==
    // We add an <li> line right under the 'View new content' link
    var markAllReadLi = document.createElement('li');
    markAllReadLi.setAttribute('class', 'right');
    // The Link element
    var markAllReadLink=document.createElement('a');
    markAllReadLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Mark All Read'));
    markAllReadLink.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
    markAllReadLink.onclick = markAllRead;
    // Add the Link in tke <li>
    // Add the <li> just before 'Home'
    var menu = document.getElementById('community_app_menu2');
    var menuHome = document.getElementById('nav_app_ccs');
    if (menu && menuHome) {
    menu.insertBefore(markAllReadLi, menuHome);
    // Ask confirmation when link is clicked...
    function markAllRead()
    var ret = confirm("Do you really want to mark all forums as read?");
    if (ret == true) {
    window.location.href = 'http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=markasread&marktype=all&k=' +


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