Thanks for your help. Unfortunately it isn't helping a bit :(. It seems every time the z-axis goes one down ( when it prints a new layer ) the x goes one tiny bit to the left which makes every print perfectly diagonal BUT that is not what I want! Any other suggests?
If you hold the printer head with you hand when the motors are off, does it glide smoothly in both directions? Have you tried reinstalling the firmware to? Is this on every model, even ones that have printed well before? Do you have some known-to-be-good .gcode that also gets this problem? Are the wires of both the motors and the endstops twisted?
Just brainstorming a little here, I'm pretty new to this still, so I might easily be missing something...
Please, see the bottom part of the post in page 1 and the first post in page 2, is this what is happening to you? Then it's because when you are printing, the head extruder hits the final top ends in X-Y axis.
I dicovered it by luck :-)
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dojan 0
Sound to me like either the X-motor is skipping steps, or the X-timingbelts are slipping. The motor might skip steps if the axles are not lubricated or if something interferes with the belts, and the belts might slip if the pulleys have come loose. It could also be that the pulleys have become uncalibrated: See step 10 of the extrusion head assembly guide.
Anyway, that's what I would check
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