EDIT: still having problems with with replicatorg, but CURA is working fine ...
I applied the same fix (started using Cura).
EDIT: still having problems with with replicatorg, but CURA is working fine ...
I applied the same fix (started using Cura).
Same here.
I researched the M113 problem. It is harmless. You can just click ok and continue. However, that doesn't change anything: It still doesn't work (for me).
Use the other slicer program in replicatorg: Slic3r. That worked for me.
I've now switched to "cura" which allows me to preview the toolpath, so I can see mistakes before they are built in hardware.
[for the record... Someone asked a question about laserprinters. That post has been removed. ]
Yes you may....
... Somewhere else. This is about 3D printing. Nothing to do with laserprinters. Good luck!
Since wiki did not say anything about this for us new;1.) which firmware to use ? In ReplicatorG ver35 i have :
Marlin 1.0 RC1
Marlin 1.0 RC2
Marlin experimantal 3
Build 1 (old 5D)
Marlin experimantal 2
2.) How to start - let say i choose simply cube to print ... should i put platform by hands manualy on starting point where i want to start print ? Or platform will be automaticly level ?
3.) In replicatorG in JOG control where you can test XYZ - I tried to test how extruder goes but i can only test X+,Y+,Z+ , when numbers on the right reach 0 , I cant go on minus ?
4.) There is option - Stepper motor control (enable, disable) - what this do ? if i click enable , motors are making some noise
5.) HOMING option what this do ?
sry on this noob Q
Thank you !
I'm quite new myself, but luckily seem to have had none of the problems others have with their hardware. My answers below should be taken with a little scepticism, given I've only 2 days of experience
1: the wiki has the details, it varies depending on which version of RG you are using. I have been using the 35 RC version and it connects and controls my machine, which is very new, but the oldr versions of RG couldn't talk to it. It had an option for Marlin in the menu that matches the wiki description.
2: You either put instructions into the GCode to do this or you do it by hand. I switched to Cura which had automatic insertion of "startup GCode". It may be possible to do this auto insertion in RG, not sure. Doing it by hand is far too problematic.
3: yes it won't let you go negative. Cheat and press th +x to move 50mm, and just after it starts trigger the limit switch. This leaves the head in the middle off the frame but with the software thinking it is further right, you can now do -X and have it move. I used this to verify the left/front limit switches were stopping the head n the right place. Alternatively, if you have tested your limit switches, you can use the Homing feature to move all the way to the front left.
4: I have no Idea what this does either
5: homing moves the head as far as it can in the negative direction on the chosen axis, until it hits the limit switches. Great way of getting the head to the front left, or raising the plate all the way. Make sure you test the limit switches properly before you use it, or it will attempt to drive the print head through the side wall of your machine, or wore raise the plate through the extruder
Hope this helps.
For what it is worth, I wasted a couple of hours on RG and moved to Cura and have not gone back.
To make Cura work make sure you have the rut baud setting, mine had to be dropped to 112500.
4. with the steppers enabled the head is almost fixed and hard to move by hand, if you disable the steppers it will be easy to move the printer head by hand. The steppers will automatically enable if you move the head.
After assembly I started Cura and updated the firmware. That was a fault.
The cure default Merlin firmware ist at baud 220000. I can't get ReplicatorG working because wrong port speed.
Even Firmware update was not working with ReplicatorG.
My solution was to use custom firmware update from cura and select hex loaded with ReplicatorG.
After that I must change baud rate in cura to normal 115k and now the firmware is working with cura and ReplicatorG.
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dinac 0
uh .. this is harder then i expected
since i dont know what is going on ....
every file that i download from thingverse i get in replicatorG these errors :
ReplicatorG doesn't recognize GCode 'M113 S0.0
ReplicatorG doesn't recognize GCode 'M113 S1.0'
i hit build anyway - and it starts print but without extruder
it is driving me nuts allready
EDIT: still having problems with with replicatorg, but CURA is working fine ...
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