I'll appreciate that !
I also found this a while ago, but it's expensive to my opinion....
I found that solution too - and another solution from downunder called LaserBlade.
My target is to mix this 3 solutions...
L-Cheapo driver setup, stronger laser diode fom Jtechphotonic and the mounting solution from LaserBlade...
Today I figured out how to turn the laser on/off via an M42 command - simple put an M400 before and it works as expected.
Next step while the parts are still on the road: generation of postprocessor for my gcode generator...
Brief update:
- Postprocessor for Cut2D is working perfect.
- The first parts have arrived - alu profile and fan, diodes, IC
- Fan mount to couple the fan to the alu profile is designed and printed
- Waiting for the resistors and the Laser diode to arrive
- Designing a hanger to mount it below the head
- Designing a "accordeon"-like cover for closing the top of the UMO to prevent viewing the laser beam (could be also usefull for building a camber...)
I have my laser already hooked up to my UM, will check out this GCode and see how it goes
Thanx for keeping us up to date drayson......
You´re welcome :-)
My 3W laser arrived yesterday - safely transported by one of my colleagues from US :-)
Currently dealing with some kind of dumbass supplier for the resistors... can´t take 3 weeks for a small package from Germany to Austria... ridiculus...
Hi again,
update... :-)
here some pictures of the laser head but without mountig brackets (still in progress...)
@ Antiklesys: how have you hooked your laser to the UM?? similar or other way? Weould be interesting...
Seems that it is time for an update...
Today I had a little time to solder a bit - basically because the PSU of my home built heated bed generated a nice black cloud.
So I ordered a new one and started soldering the electronics for my laser.
Here are two pictures,on the first one you can also see the schematics, on the second one I focussed on the (insulated) heat sink supporting the resistors...
Hope that the PSU arrives soon as I need it also for the laser.
Stay tuned...
I wish I had your knowledge about this cool hack ! :???:
Honestly... Its trial & error - and the advice of a few colleaques in office... ;-)
Nevertheless, still great work !
Sooo.... long time nothing happened as other stuff were more important (business....:-( )
Yesterday I had the chance to use lab equipment to chrosscheck the driver board and make sure it regulates the current as planned: status: mission accomplished - the board is working perfectly.
Only open issue is to find the right fan and place it correctly to cool the IC down as it gets HOOOTTTT....
Next step: design protection stuff and find time to assamble all at the UMO and give it a test run...
Very cool, cannot wait to see the results !
Hi everybody...
After a few hurdles (thanks to Sabrina and Sander for support!!) I´m back in community.
There were a few unsuccessfull tests which ended up in a redesign of the electronics closure and a redesign of the wiring between my UMO and the laser electronics too. Further I ordered a pair of new protection glasses.
I know, it´s a long journey at my side, but I guess, at the end it´s worth...
Stay tuned... :-)
Today I shot it the first time - tadaaa... the whole flat is smelling like burned paper...
But something I learned the hard way: selecting a relais is not easy for an mechanical guy. The SSR which I got (5V input...) was too weak and so the laser was switched on, but not off any more because of the damn SSR.
Next step: mechanical 5V-relais ant THAT worked like a charm.
ToDo: housing for laser electronics, test, test, test... :-)
Edited by Guestsuper cool !
Epic! Nice to see your forward progress.super cool !
Thank you guys!
It will take some time but I plan to post the parts and pieces if somebody like to copy it :-)
Still struggling with this new forum, I want the old one back !
Finally found this post back again, good work Drayson, you still got my interest!
yesterday I printed/cut a few stencils out of 160g/m² paper for painting a wooden box.
Results: see pictures :-)
What I learned:
the stencil took 8 min to cut
after this, the alu profile were the laser module is mounted in where really hot so I assume too less cooling.
have to find another solution for it - maybe more than only one fan (water cooling would work but is from my point of view not applicable...)
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regarding the components and assambly, I´m confident to get the things right.
A few more info on the electronics:
I used the layout from the L-Cheapo schematics which can be found at their wiki page and recalculated it for my app. 1W stronger laser diode (just exchange the 8x 5.5Ohm 1W resistors by 10x 5.1Ohm 1W, the remaining circuit stays untouched). The diode is a 9mm 445nm laser diode which needs app. 2,4A for 3W output so taking in account the 19V of the UM, the resistors should be ok... :-)
Currently I´m working on the solution to mount/hang the laser attachement under the nozzles and adjust z=0 with a spacer equal to the focus hight + module hight.
Beside this (and some spare time), the GCode issue is the only problem I´m currently have...
As soon I have progress, I will keep this post updated... :-)
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