Also, start printing the improved feeder - this works perfect:
Also, start printing the improved feeder - this works perfect:
Yes, Mr. Klein, you have understood well what I want to explain. I had already checked that but I think, it is properly fixed and adjusted. I've attached a picture to show how the material feeder actually is. Sometimes, it bites the filament and gets stuck as well
Also, start printing the improved feeder - this works perfect:
Thanks, it's superb!, but I wish I could print it as I only have 5 minutes or less :cool:
Hmm, if you say that it's properly fixed then something else might be blocking the filament in the bowden tube...
Try unloading the filament (go to material and change) maybe help the filament to come out if it's stuck somehow.
if the filament looks grinded or has some irregularities in it then cut the filament that already went in the feeder. And reload it.
The filament you're using is from Ultimaker?
What are the printing settings you use? (temperature and speed)?
How hot is it in Colombia? Sometimes the feeder motor can get too hot and soften the filament to a point were it gets to big to travel in the bowden (PLA softens at 50°c)
The filament is from Ultimaker 2, as a matter of fact it comes as a sample. I could notice that its diameter is 3mm instead of 2.85 mm, could it be this ?
Yes, my city is very hot our actual temperature is about 35C.
Temperature: 210C
Speed: 300mm/sec
I am just chasing a hunch here, but ok, maybe you don't have an actual frame of reference, but based on your common sense, do you think the setscrew is maybe too long?
Would it be better if it would be slightly shorter?
300mm/s is way to fast!
Reduce to 50mm/s specially for that temperature
Could you make a short video of the beep occurring on your feeder?
Illustrating pictures and video's are always very helpful!!
300mm/s is way to fast!
Reduce to 50mm/s specially for that temperature
And yes, 300mm/s is probably too fast.
I don't know what you want to print you but you probably want to slow it down to 50/100mm/s.
The temperature must be in ratio with the speed.
so around
I am so sorry, I saw the maximum speed instead of actual. The actual is 50 mm/s and I try to test printing with the UltimakerRobot.
Could you look at the other things I asked? (long screw - video)
Yes, I could, thanks a lot for your support!
Yes, I think definitely setscrew is longer but what I can do in order to shorten it ??
How does yours differ from this one?
You don't have to remove your feeder, but this was the best picture I could find that demonstrates how far out the screw usually is.
Because I checked some printers here in the office, and based on your original picture I couldn't tell if there was a big difference.
Therefor, could you upload a video that illustrates the problem?
Thanks to all, I could fix it as Sander told. Your picture helped me a lot. I really appreciated your help.
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DidierKlein 729
Hi, welcome to the forum.
If i understand well, the feeder wheel is not firmly fixed? It sometimes happens that it gets detached somehow (probably because of transport).
This is a picture of the feeder motor
Try to fix the sleeve firmly. You might need to open the feeder.
For the feeder, unscrew three of the screws and let the fourth a bit screwed (the screws also maintain the motor in place), then try moving the top cover of the feeder, in order to access the sleeve screw easily.
You can also bend a hex wrench to reach it easier.
I'm not sure i understood your problem correctly tough maybe pictures would help?
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