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Posted · Ultimaker2 jumps at 10mm high

Hi, New member today, I have had a U2 for almost 2 weeks, whenever I build something in 0.1 or less layers the print has a separation at around 10mm high. The platform sort of judders or jumps as if it has stuck at this height and hence skips a build lays then shudders as it move a few layers in one go. The reseller logged this issue over 24 hours ago and he has been ignored. I logged it 4 hours ago and have been ignored. Is this the level of service others have been experiencing on here, and has anyone else suffered this particular fault.


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    Posted · Ultimaker2 jumps at 10mm high

    I'm not sure what you mean about "logging issues" but it can take 1 to 2 weeks to get replies at support.ultimaker.com and things are worse if you update your ticket as it goes to the back of the line without the support people noticing. But they *will* eventually "make it right". If you call the international number during normal work hours "netherlands time" you can very often speak to someone immediately and get much faster service.

    It sounds like your vertical rods or the bearings might be bad. Or the lead screw.

    1) Is the lead screw on the Z well greased? Mine was smothered in grease. I thought it was too much but it seems to work fine. If not there might be a green packet of grease that you can add to the screw.

    2) The bed should go up and down by pushing/pulling hard. Turn off power and grip it near the back of the machine with two hands and lift up or push down repeatedly past that "10mm spot" you refered to. Is there increasing resistance at the 10mm point?

    If you could get a video of the problem happening it would be nice. It's easy to move Z only without having to slice and STL. Just connect your computer through usb cable to the printer and get the cura "print window" up in "pronterface" mode which has tons of controls to let you move Z axis by any amount. Play with that and try to duplicate the problem (and then try to make a 10 second video of the problem and post).


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    • 4 weeks later...
    Posted · Ultimaker2 jumps at 10mm high

    If you haven't already, I'd suggest trying a different SD card. My UM2 had an issue one day where it was printing about 1 cm worth of layers, then it would bring the bed back up to layer 1 level, and continue printing. so the print would be in 1cm slices, with earlier slices knocked onto the floor. A new card solved that... maybe the original one got corrupted when I pulled it out of the computer without ejecting it in Cura first.

    In any case, good luck... I hope you get your UM2 working well. I've been very happy with mine so far. The prints I've been making at home are better than those I was paying $$$ for remotely.



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    • 3 weeks later...
    Posted · Ultimaker2 jumps at 10mm high

    I had exactly the same issue.

    My fix was: Dissasembling the Z-Motor, Electronics (because you can't remove the Z-Rods otherwise), Z-Rods and Headbed.

    Then i remove the linear bearings from the bed and put a lot of oil into it, and moved the rods a lot of time though them. After that i assembled all back together and oil the rods after that. Also i cleaned the trapzoidal rod and put grease on it. Then i calibrate the bed again and print a small tower to look if the problem was gone, and since that it works all fine again.

    But i think a problem with linear bearings (i think they a broken) should not happens to a printer in this price category.


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