just did a thread in the Dutch portion, let me translate;
After a month of 3 of continuous printing with my UM 2 I've had great and not-so great moments. below an overview of improvements and experiences with those improvements.
I did a larger post in the dutch section, but would like everyone to benefit.
first of all the cable chain. i printed these in ABS and XT. would not print in PLA because of the very close proximity to the heated plate. i have not heard of people getting their cable in a twist, but better safe than sorry. also makes the machine look a lot better
fan mounts; i tried 2
I used the V06. worked great, printed in ABS. also printed in XT, no heat shield and no heat issues. very easy replaceable, good shroud. did take it out since it cooled my nozzle more than my print.
changed to this mount;
like a charm.. directly cools the print, see more sharpness in prints. the disadvantage of this fan shroud is that you need to move the fans off if you want to take it off the head which is incredibly annoying. otherwise it's a great fan shroud. printed in ABS and XT, perfect. i did not use the iron sheet in it and no warping issues.
rail system:
must have;
it dramatically improves the machine.
-it eases acces to the feeder allowing you to easily change material and diagnose any issues with thye feeder (not like that would ever happen..... )
-it allows for better ventilation for the feeder motor
-it allows for easy replacement of material
-best thing yet : it allows for a more natural flow of the material, dramatically improving feeder performance. you can get the extrusion test running perfectly with the rail system and the stock feeder
printed in PLA and XT perfectly. would not print in ABS because of the large surfaces and warping
cable clip for the railsystem
printed in both XT as well as PLA. manages the annoying cable on the back for the feeder motor
Roberts Feeder with UltiArjan improvements. perfect for the rail system. printed this in all materials then switched to PLA on advise of Robert and Ultiarjan to make sure i did not get ABS particles into the feeder.
best feeder ever.
easily did the extrusion test up to 10 mm/sec with PLA and even on 210 degrees. no more underextrusion, easy material swap, perfect.
also makes the atomic method way easier, yeah, overall this was a great design and decision to add.
you need this spool holder to add your spools to the rail system. you need two of these. printed in PLA and XT, worked perfect.
so i got very annoyed by the movement of the SD card between my PC and my Ultimaker. annoyed me a lot. so i started trying OctoPrint! i installed on a Raspberry Pi, and very happy with the results
you can attach it to your UM2 with this addon.
I also added the raspberry cam and am in the process of adding the touch screen.
you basically go to your PC, just upload the gcode, and you can easily print. you can use the cam to make timelapses and watch progress.
some small things such as a very small amount of material gets extruded in the beginnen and no Z bed homing after the print, making you editting the gcode by hand and fixing that.
in short, those are the add-ons you need in my opinion.. they will make a good printer great..
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printerfan 5
Great thread, I'm looking forward to the community's suggestions.
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