I've also been having trouble with Cura failing to finish writing the Gcode completely. It's hard to pin point the exact circumstances it's happening under, though.
I've also been having trouble with Cura failing to finish writing the Gcode completely. It's hard to pin point the exact circumstances it's happening under, though.
This is a bug with the current release of Cura and USB printing. There is a fix in the latest RC, however, I do not guarantee that USB printing is stable. (There have been general problems with driver stability, which is why the UM2 does not support USB printing by default)
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gr5 2,224
I recommend you create the gcode with Cura and then use pronterface/printrun. I have no idea what that log might be saying but the UMO and UM2 don't do to well with USB printing. In fact it's not officially supported on UM2. And I assume RigidBot has Marlin and uses arduino. So I recommend trying a different program to send the data (gcode). Also consider trying a different USB cable and a different computer. Or add a USB buffer of some sort to boost the signal. Or run the USB cable in a different path (away from EM interference - away from electronics and fluorescent lights).
printrun/pronterface/prontrface download:
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