I thought someone else might answer.
I don't know how many different configurations Marlin supports. And I don't know migbots. But one way to do home (the way I understand best) is to have a homing switch click when table is just barely touching nozzle. Is that what you did?
I would hookup pronterface - do you have that installed? And do various gcode commands with pronterface to see how the migbot behaves. Especially I would work on the home command. You can build your own version of Marlin here:
I think you need to be more specific in your questions. You can usually change steps/mm either with jumpers near the stepper drivers or using the above marlinbuilder.
Does your migbot have a ulticontroller or simlar? In otherwards can you print through SD card inside the printer or is USB the only way?
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rcarrier31 0
So i am assuming that no one knows anything about marlin? Or is it because i have a migbot?
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