Instead of swapping the pins in the firmware - couldn't he have just swapped the wires to the endstops?
Instead of swapping the pins in the firmware - couldn't he have just swapped the wires to the endstops?
Well i thought everything was good, until i goto print, it moves the table all the way to the bottom, and starts the grinding.
Progress. So now your Z direction is backwards maybe?
It seems like you have enough information to make it home anywhere and have z=0 be anywhere (should be when nozzle just touches plate) and have Z=10 be nozzle 10mm above plate and so on. Play with pronterface some more?
Yea when i tell it to autohome, everything works just fine, but when it goes to print the z axis goes to the bottom.
It's the same process. Check with pronterface to make sure the direction is set correctly.
However, note that in these type of printers where the bed moves and the extruder is fixed, 0 is at the top and the bottom is the positive direction. So visually in pronterface it's inverted. The top of the Z control is moving in the positive direction and the bottom towards zero. So for these printers, the top of the Z control should move the platform down (increasing Z and the top of the control says +) and the bottom of the Z control should move the platform up (decreasing Z and the bottom is -).
Get that working first. Change
#define INVERT_Z_DIR
if bottom of Z control in pronterface moves DOWN and the top of the Z control moves UP....
If you change INVERT_Z_DIR then you will almost certainly need to change:
#define Z_HOME_DIR
it probably needs to be -1 so that it homes towards 0
Before actually homing the printer, with the power off, move the platform all the way up to the nozzle so the Z end stop is triggers and use M119.
If Z_MAX is triggered, the pins are wrong as homing should move to z_min or Z=0, so you will need to swap the pin definitions for
#define Z_MIN_PIN
#define Z_MAX_PIN
Be careful testing the homing since it might crash into the nozzle so be prepared to stop it.
Instead of swapping the pins in the firmware - couldn't he have just swapped the wires to the endstops?
Yes, that would have worked too. However, I believe the printer was working before so I was guiding him to reproduce something that is close to the original firmware....
OK got it guys, thanks for your help, its finally printing well, and it was much easier to do it in the firmware, versus moving the wires, its a pain to get to the controller,
Once again thank you guys.
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rcarrier31 0
Yes that got everything working the way it should, thank you again for your help & patience.
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