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Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

Hi, I just finished putting together my kit Ultimaker Original Plus and am looking forward to fine tuning the machine now.

I just wanted to share info with anyone still waiting for delivery in the hopes you can be more prepared than I was when you finally get you kit in the mail. (several months ago I tried to get a list of tools included vs. needed from UM but they were not able to provide that.) I went way over the "3 trips to the hardware store" rule of doing projects.

Tools needed (included in kit)


  • 2mm hex wrench

  • 2.5mm hex wrench


Tools/items needed (NOT included in kit)


  • size 1 phillips head screw driver

  • 3/16 inch flat head screw driver

  • 7/32 inch box wrench

  • ½ inch box wrench or crescent wrench

  • pilers

  • exacto blade knife

  • counter sink drill bit

  • sand paper
  • (maybe needed) 16 washers 0.5mm thick


ALSO you may want to just pick up some extra bolts and nuts since the kit was missing


Parts list Note (missing or surplus) if not listed exact number was in kit.


  • hex nuts 3mm (1209) short -9 (3 not even tapped)

  • bolt M3 x 10mm (1202) short -5

  • bolt M3 x 16mm (1204) short -6

  • spacer 8mm (1502) short -4

  • lock nuts 3mm (1214) extra +1

  • bolt M3 x 4mm (1348) extra +2

  • bolt M3 x 12mm (1203) extra +2

  • bolt M3 x 14mm (1205) extra +6

  • bolt M3 x 20mm (1216) extra +3
  • Torsion Springs not used? +4


Assembly notes and directions notes:


  • no complete parts list to check while unboxing

  • several discrepancies between the Step's parts list tables and actual parts needed for a Step. so just adding up parts from the tables will not be exact.

  • mounting of the fan shroud made difficult by image of cartridge heater (180 degrees turn would be better)

  • Heated bed PCB (1155) needed additional counter sinking at all holes


other than that I am one VERY HAPPY customer, probably since all the missing part could be obtained at my local hardware store. I am looking forward to many many hours of printing from this beautifully designed printer.


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    the time was not bad. Not counting the trips to the store it took me 11 hours (it was two days with lots of break). The 1st day went faster since I had my daughter helping me, the 2nd day I was all by my self. Plan on a 2nd pair of hands and the fun of working with a partner. I think if I had all the parts and tools you could do it in one day.


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    Thank you for compiling the list. This was more or less my own experience also. What I noticed best was there was too few M3x10mm bolts, and far too few M3 nuts. The other stuff I could mostly get away with using the wrong length of bolt.

    I had no problems with the countersinking in the heated bed, though. But I noticed that one side had deeper countersinkings than the other. Keeping the strain relief on the left side, the deepest countersinkings came out on the bottom side.

    Ok, now I understand what you mean. The screw heads are sticking up, keeping the glass plate away from the heatbed. I don't have any tools for countersinking though, so I guess I'll have to look for some screws with smaller heads, or something.

    The instructions for assembling the bowden clamp could be clearer. I originally attached the lever in the wrong place, and could not put tension on the filament. Additionally, the instructions for putting the big gear in place had me put the axle in the ball bearings, and then take them out again in order to complete the next step.

    In the instructions for mounting the limit switches, the colors were off in the picture captions. The text for the blue switch refered to an illustration where the caption said red switch, etc.

    The instructions for wiring up the controller almost had me pull out my wire strippers. :p I'm glad I took it slow at this point.


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    So i'm not the only one with missing/surplus parts. well i've taken some notes too. i soon as i get my hand over i'll post them here. but one major thing that look wrong was the representation of the heated block of the extruder. it's not the same part on two drawing in the instructions. odd


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    had the same thing ,but managed it,also alot of bolts and nuts missing :-|...but still building


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    so I'm also thinking of buying an UMO+ but this missing parts is making me worried.. since this is now 8 days ago this was posted, perhaps someone from Ultimaker can comment on how kits can be shipped out with so many missing parts?

    if it was a few screws once ok.. but this is making me worried.. spending a 1000 euros then spending trips to the hardware store to complete my product?


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    How kits can be shipped with missing parts is quite easy; mistakes happen. There is a huge number of parts in them, so if you have a certain chance that it goes wrong for each part, the odds are it will go wrong (This is a reason, not an excuse).

    You wouldn't need to go to the hardware store, we are supposed to ship you the parts we forgot. The law is quite protective of consumers in this regard.


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    or you put better quality control in place .... I think your customers deserve it ....

    use simple tricks like create parts bags in batches, precount (or have the supplier deliver in predefined quantities) make sure you have nothing left when a batch is finished , if so check the complete batch. use a weight scale for counting etc etc ....


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    Just got my UMO+ today and tried to build. So many parts inside and the assembly manual looks fine and detail that for each step it will list out needed parts with parts number. HOWEVER, NO part number is shown on the parts or the bags containing parts. I think at least they should mark the part number on each bag of different bags.

    Or can I find a full list of parts corresponding to their numbers which also shows the image/drawing of the part?


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +


    you are right, that is not an excuse. and honestly, as a reason, it's a bad one.

    if i pay 1000+ euros for something, i would expect it to be complete. While I understand the law protects me, that does not help someone who is excitedly building their UM and in the middle of building finds out it's incomplete.

    this is also not a single account, but at least 3 people in a single thread reporting not 1 or 2 pieces missing, but a lot of pieces missing..

    and creating support tickets to get your missing parts will get you your missing part in a month. not trying to be an ass here, just stating facts.

    Let me tell you about this little defect that I have.. (sure, one of many).. i actually collect Lego Star Wars UCS sets.. these are hard to come by and quite expensive.. they usually start at 300+ euros.. and those are the new ones,don't even get me started on the rare ones like the imperial shuttle..

    anyway, some have 3000+ parts.. and still Lego manages to ship them complete. sure, something goes wrong every now and then (I remember missing a crucial part of my Death Star, having to wait after building for 5 hours straight sucked!) but the new part arrived within 2 days..

    is it because Lego is large? no..

    is it because Lego is the best company ever? no..

    it's because they found it unacceptable to ship incomplete boxes.. to ruin peoples experiences.. so they put strict processes in place to make sure this does not happen.

    I've not been very vocal so far but I think it needs to be said.. Ultimaker builds fantastic printers.. I think when you look at the total picture, there are no printers that beat the Ultimakers.. sure there is room for improvement, but isn't there always? and you guys let people improve on the design, fantastic!

    but it's the little things that are getting to me now.. sure they are getting better, but slowly.. and only after enough people complain..

    when just the TS alone has 24 missing parts and 18 surplus parts.. something is wrong.. and when it's an incident, fine, mistakes happen, but when within a couple of days another 3 people report in about not missing a single part, but a bunch of parts, that's no longer a mistake, we would call that a problem. how many parts are in there, 500?

    you know how many of each bolt should be in there right? bag em, weigh em, and ship em out. that should dramatically reduce this issue..

    but hey, that's just me.. and I don't work for Ultimaker.. yet still i'd love you to succeed and grow even bigger and better..


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    having missing parts shipped when you already waited 10 weeks to get you printer is not a realistic option.

    you really should try to lay on the side of customer satisfaction and ship a handfull of spare nuts and bolts, instead of incuring the odd of sending to few (i got missing parts too, btw, it looks like almost everybody is in this case)

    and YES, you should label parts !! building this printer makes you go through a bunch of wild guesses (as in : do they want me to use the plastic or metal 25mm bolts ?)


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    I don't know what process we use, I'm part of R&D, not production / logistics. We should fix this, I totally agree. I simply want to share that most people seem to think that these problems are very easy to solve when they are actually very complex problems.

    They aren't simple problems. All of the 'solutions' posted here are already in place in so far I'm aware (We do weighing, we have random dubble checking, etc.). So yeah, Its not an excuse, but it aint a completely bad reason either. And we're still growing, so if anyone believe they are up to the challenge please send your resume :)


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +
    I don't know what process we use, I'm part of R&D, not production / logistics. We should fix this, I totally agree. I simply want to share that most people seem to think that these problems are very easy to solve when they are actually very complex problems.


    They aren't simple problems. All of the 'solutions' posted here are already in place in so far I'm aware (We do weighing, we have random dubble checking, etc.). So yeah, Its not an excuse, but it aint a completely bad reason either. And we're still growing, so if anyone believe they are up to the challenge please send your resume :)

    At least you can label each part. Making sure what part it is takes 90% of my assembly time. Frustrated to see your reply in this way.

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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    oh and iefbr13; The plastic bolts are only for the controller, but that could be a bit more specific in the manual.


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    Finished mine yesterday ,it is printing really nice and very very quiet! build it in 15 hrs (after visiting the local hardware store)



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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +
    IAll of the 'solutions' posted here are already in place in so far I'm aware


    I think the packaging is quite OK, but the BOM is not, as it seems we all end up with the exact same 'balance' of missing / excess parts ;)

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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    I am having the same experience with my UM+ kit. Parts missing are almost identical to OP. It's really frustrating, waited 3 months for my kit and now there will be further delays in completing it while waiting for parts. Unfortunately we have no decent electronics/hardware store in my home town, so will have to wait for UM to send missing parts. And no labelling on the bags has left me guessing too many times, taking lots of extra time. There are many parts in my kit which have never been mentioned in the instructions and I cant figure out what they are for. Four black plastic squares from the molded parts in particular, can anyone enlighten me?

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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    I think the packaging is quite OK, but the BOM is not, as it seems we all end up with the exact same 'balance' of missing / excess parts ;)


    I think you are quite right about this being a BOM problem. It seems to me like a single full list of every little part and quantity that should be in the box doesn't exist. If such a paper does exist, it really ought to be made readily available for customers to check.

    My other issue is that customer support in the u.s. is super slow. Problems that could be solved with a 5 minute phone call or an on-line chat drag on for days or weeks as UM only responds while it is night here and I can only respond during the day. Often when there is a problem, like my hot end fan transistor burning out or my warped UMO frame, customer support will take a prohibitively long time to ship a replacement part.

    I think the final problem is that, while the UM is a great printer, the UM team seems to sometimes be over confident. At least that is the message I get when you guys tell us that you are already doing everything possible to prevent missing parts, when the recurring issue says that there is a problem.

    BTW, there were a couple missing nuts in my HBK, but it wasn't a problem because my 2013 UMO kit was shipped with loads extra, so i didn't bother to complain at the time. Only mentioning it now to point out the breadth of the issue.

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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    It's mostly because a lot of R&D UM people are on the forum, with the ocasional person from sales. The packaging is a logistics problem and they don't visit the forums. We've communicated the problem, so all we (as R&D) can say that it's in the pipeline to be fixed. I don't know what they are doing to fix it, or what needs to be done (nor do I know how much time it will take).

    I'd love to be able to give a better answer though, but this is all I know I'm affraid :(


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +
    These are from the old hotend v1 / printhead assembly. I was puzzled by the same 'mysteryparts' and sweeped through the UMO assembly guide to be enlightened :)


    Yep, they were inserted into the old wooden z stage so you could attach the acrylic bed to it by threading screws into the holes. I guess Ultimaker didn't want to pay thousands to redesign the mould just to remove unneeded parts, would be useful to mention this though.

    I've been building an UMO+ kit tonight and have to say there are far more missing screws and nuts compared to my Rev 4 UMO I built back in May 2013. It's really annoying as some stuff like the z stepper needs 10mm bolts as the motor is only threaded about 5mm deep.

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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    I've been building an UMO+ kit tonight and have to say there are far more missing screws and nuts compared to my Rev 4 UMO I built back in May 2013.


    Yes, this has been annoying us as well, as we got loads of reports of missing parts on the UMO+.

    The cause has been found, the "pick list" for parts at logistics did not match the actual BOM. (That's all I know, as I'm not directly involved in that project)


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    Sounds like the right processes are in place, but aren't completely working.

    As a short-term fix, perhaps it would make sense to ship extras of the parts people are reporting missing? It's a cost, certainly, but it'd make users happier to not be blocked by missing parts.

    Over time, sales are presumably shifting to the assembled Ultimaker 2, so the problem fades away.


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    Posted · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    Over time, sales are presumably shifting to the assembled Ultimaker 2, so the problem fades away.


    I doubt (hope) that is not the plan, they just released the ultimaker original plus. and this is their flagship hackers model, and it's way better priced! The UM2 prices are too high for schools and people who want an amazing printer base they can do mods on. I am strating to run build events for schools where we will assemble the kits and train them how to use them and I can tell you if the cost was another $1k we would not be able to reach as many schools. Also if one of the UM2 was our only option we would lose out on an "openness factor" that is appealing to education.


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    Posted (edited) · my assembly notes Ultimaker Original +

    So, just to add to an older thread with an amazingly positive story. I ordered my Ultimaker original + directly from Ultimaker on April 17, and received it on April 21.  I assembled it and had my first print in 2 days.  There was one addition to my kit that you may not of had.  A bag of assorted extra screws.  None of the individual bags were labeled, so I measured the hardware and wrote the length on each bag of bolts.  There were also belt tension springs that weren't listed in the directions, and some extra delrin pieces on the tree that I haven't found a use for yet.  

    The problems I have had so far :The shafts on the X and Y axis stepper motors were almost too short to mount the belts properly. I had to swap the X and Y end stop switches (I may have had them switched in the first place) Other than that, so far so good! Also the $ is up against the Euro = built in savings!

    Edited by Guest
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