I wonder if it is more stable. The previous version of DSM tended to go unresponsive at times like trying to remove a round that intersected many other rounds....
I wonder if it is more stable. The previous version of DSM tended to go unresponsive at times like trying to remove a round that intersected many other rounds....
I hope it does indeed i had multiple times when the program just hangs forever
I hope it does indeed i had multiple times when the program just hangs forever
Save early save often !
I find it rather stable, very little issues, if I compare to f.e. 123D that was a total nightmare. ...
Sometimes it's not really doing wat it's supposed to, f.e. it will not cut, but mostly I can trick it when moving a face a little and try again..
overall I like it a lot ..
Just discovered the files are not backwards compatible, DSMv2 files can't be opened in DSM1
Seems pretty light in term of update. I would have liked a real text support.
You can use the annotations to create text geometry but its hell to use.
I usually use 3d text from sketchup. Super easy. Save as sketchup 8 and import in dsm. The only thing i use sketchup for.
Is it me or you cannot choose the Font in the annotations anymore with DSM 2.0... :(
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DidierKlein 729
Downloaded and installed it yesterday, i had a issue with the license (i had to enter an email in a grayed form control).
The trick is to install the PCB software and do the registration through there, then it works.
I didn't spot big difference either
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