Have a look for e-nable
In the UK we have more recipients than volunteers to print.
Have a look for e-nable
In the UK we have more recipients than volunteers to print.
Hi Jameshs
Thanks I have just been reading through the pages and pages of stuff... impressed at the amount of people willing to help
Are you involved with it and at what level? I may jump onboard when I get chance!
I have done a few!
Ignore the poor journalism in the first one - I was not happy with the intial design and so completely re-designed from the ground up (except the excellent 'talon' hand)
We could always use some more UK makers - currently we have other europeans (and thanks to them) helping to satisfy the demand!
I still don't understand why it need to be made so wide. It might be just an impression but can't it be made based on a real size hand (especially kid size)?
I struggled with that to begin with - but they have a wrist and no fingers. Once you accept that - where do you put an exoskeleton except on the outside, and then once you accept it is on the outside - and you are making it with a 3d printer then there is a minimum thickness of material - and a bit extra (as these work for all ages) and then spare because you are bolting and screwing into the stuff and voila - you have this thickness.
So it is the nature of an exoskeleton because most of the actual hand it still there.
If you look at the first one though - the arm - it is matched in length and width to his other arm and hand - because I could - the exo is around his upper arm and elbow.
The great think about open source though s that there are many minds working on these designs - the recipient int he case of the black one actually chose this one as his favorite - and I sent sizing templates so he really knew and I made it as fitted as possible!
But do think on and any suggestions always welcome!
Thanks James for explaining.
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skint 62
Cool. Makes me realise how useless I am, just pi$$ing around printing useless stuff lol. I need a worthwhile project!
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