Negative. I did have 13.12 firmware until one minute ago. Now I'm on 14.12.1 with the same issue.
Negative. I did have 13.12 firmware until one minute ago. Now I'm on 14.12.1 with the same issue.
Just did a quick test on my UMO:
When it encounters the M0 GCode, the printer just stops and says: 'Waiting for user'.
As soon as you push on the UltiController button, it continues.
(BTW, can you confirm you print from SD and NOT from USB?)
I haven't had the need for SD yet. I use USB.
I just used Printrun to send:
G28 X0 Y0
G28 Z0
It does what is expected, however I cannot change any settings in the menu since the print continues as soon as the knob is pressed. [Edit: Settings CAN be changed, just not before it resumes]
The code above DOES NOT work in Cura 14.12.1. It ignores the M0 and zeroes all three axes without a pause. (Twice if you count the first zeroing from startcode)
I just did another test using a simple model and "Pause at Height". Using Cura, when M0 is encountered the head moves away then the print just stops. The LCD still shows "Printing...". If I save the gcode in Cura and load it into Printrun, the M0 works as expected (minus the ability to change settings prior to resuming).
- Pause is not supported from Cura USB printing (There is a post from Daid somewhere in the forum about that) -- Edit:
- And indeed, print resume as soon as you press the knob, so you can't change anything when it is paused.
So it is probably not what you expected, but it works as intended
Very well. Thank you for your input!
Time to try the SD card
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amedee 349
If my memory serves well, there should be a 'Resume' option in the menu...
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