That's exactly what I'm seeing. Seems to be happening after the latest firmware updates as it definitely wasn't doing it before.
That's exactly what I'm seeing. Seems to be happening after the latest firmware updates as it definitely wasn't doing it before.
Yes, it's a bug, caused by fixing another bug, which happened after fixing another bug.
The latest firmware code is already patched, but no RC has been made yet.
Yes, it's a bug, caused by fixing another bug, which happened after fixing another bug.
The latest firmware code is already patched, but no RC has been made yet.
Lol! the joys of software development. Thanks for the confirmation. :-)
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bigmouse 6
Mine stalls most times removal and replacement when the filament is about half way along the bowden cable (even when I try to assist it along) Never used to happen, maybe it is a FW code change
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