Hi Handyman, leadership Team Ultimaker to the rescue!
What is your ordernumber?
I will see what information I can find for you and push for a fast shipment
Thank you!
Hi Handyman, leadership Team Ultimaker to the rescue!
What is your ordernumber?
I will see what information I can find for you and push for a fast shipment
Thank you!
Sander, do you have a cape? You need a cape!
I haven't been waiting very long (ordered placed Monday) but if you could check:
I would appreciate an estimated ship date or tracking number.
Hi Handyman, leadership Team Ultimaker to the rescue!
What is your ordernumber?
I will see what information I can find for you and push for a fast shipment
Thank you!
Hello SandervG,
My order number is: 1529041
Thank you for your help!
-------I personally don't think airing your beefs in public forum is the right way to get resolution. --------------
This is Buying, Ordering and Delivery of Ultimaker part of ultimaker forum , where If you have problems, delays and comments about how it works, you can post it and and try to make it work better.
I just shared my experience, and read about others here, and wait for help, and voila, its here, thanks to Sander.
If you dont comment how things are working for you at ultimaker is impossible to improve, and I dont think saying it loud is a bad think.
I am very happy with my printer, I think ultimaker2 is the best out there, but sales had been a problem when I bought it and now with this critical spare part.
I ordered at ebay a replacement, after 10 days waiting for an email from ultimaker saying it has been sent that has not arrive yet, and because I need my printer working, I dont know if it is official or not, They shell it as an ultimaker german teflon coupler, will see if it works.
Getting back to the original question. I would expect next day shipping for spareparts and fillament. Although many webstores have sameday shipping already.
What is the UM target? Any news on using decent packaging materials iso envelopes?
For now i would advice to go trough a dealer if you can. Last time i needed a pt100 i got it at Makerpoint.nl
Alright, I have asked an update for 1540599 & 1529041.
I think I will have an update tomorrow and I will also try to get it out asap.
About decent packaging, that has been mentioned and noted and is on the agenda to be improved!
In regard of our target, I think the best answer in this case is: improve
And don't feel bad when you are asking for help.
At Ultimaker we are all happy to help and pitch in
Got a confirmation, both orders are going to be shipped out tomorrow!
Thanks guys for your patience.
Thank you very much Sander!!
You are really the best ambassador of Ultimaker, thanks.
Thank you Sander!
Teflon coupler arrived this afternoon and after changing it….
Again, thank you Sander!
Sander, wanted to note that I got my order 3 days after your assistance. Thank you very much for your help!
handyman, your extrusion test looks AWESOME and perfect...
I've issued the order n.1541720 16 days ago but is not shipped yet.
Without a new PTFE coupler my printer have to work at 260 °C with PLA in order to avoid grinding ... :( and results are mostly unwanted.
Can you please have a look and see if it can be shipped?
Thank you
Hi! I wanted to check on my order too!
Hi Guys,
Sorry Contesio I did not see your message, I have send out a request for an update.
It looks like it should already have been send so I expect it to be shipped this week.
@ Andwew, I have also send out a request for an update on your order.
It is still within the lead time of 10 days but it should also be send soon.
I will let you both know once I know more!
Thank you!
Both should be send out tomorrow
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The good news is, you have an official request in for an official piece and not a foreign made knock off, printed in who knows what?
Now you will have an abundance of teflon couplers, official and otherwise, after they ALL arrive.
Then when you break or wear out the cheap one, you have a backup, and can promptly order again from Ultimaker so that you always have a spare. Sounds like you do a lot of printing, yes?
Just in time inventory management is not always the "right fit/answer" especially in personal manufacturing such as afforded by Ultimaker's fine products.
The Team Ultimaker have delegated tasks to various personnel.. And they're human and make mistakes. I personally don't think airing your beefs in public forum is the right way to get resolution. Are you wanting me to send you mine? Good luck with that.
I don't know of any embarrassed person who works faster because they got pounded in a public forum for a slow shipment of a replacement part. There must be an explanation of some kind, and the majority of us reading this can't help you.
Leadership Team Ultimaker is very accessible around here, if you reach out to one specifically. Can't hurt, right?
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