gadgetfreak - That's an informative PPT. Thanks! I'm downloading meshmixer now. Also I like your idea of applying a coating to prevent filament from sticking. I'll work with that idea when I get home in another week or two.
gadgetfreak - That's an informative PPT. Thanks! I'm downloading meshmixer now. Also I like your idea of applying a coating to prevent filament from sticking. I'll work with that idea when I get home in another week or two.
MeshMixer is currently my favourite tool to create supports!
#3 - cover the top of the support with blue tape, press it tight on to the surface. Works also very well for new build support to get a nice bottom. The hard part is to keep the support steady, tape or glue it to the build plate...
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gadgetfreak 7
Maybe not direct answers to your questions, but Ryan (meshmixer author/inventor) has done some fabulous work on support structures. You could look at this presentation for ideas:
For your question 3, I think it might work for very simpme models where the support structure is not too complex and did not interfere with head movement during build. What if you printed such a support structure and coated it with something that could be rinsed off with warm water. Not sure exactly what though...
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