Oh, if someone is really taking care of it, a Night theme would also be cool, would be easier for the eyes at night
An increased timeout would be great too. Enough time to get some rest and not miss anything good
PLUS PLUS PLUS votes here for all the above!
i want this!!! we should spamm sander about this
I might, might mind you, take a look if I'm really bored some evening.
Where has our chat gone? Cant find it in the new forum?? :(
We've been using IRC; Freenode #ultimaker
yeaah i want the chat back!
IRC chat can also be accessed from a browser if one doesn't wish to download an IRC client.
Enter a nickname (cannot begin with a number)
Enter channel: #ultimaker (with or without the #)
Bring our chat back!
(It would be nice if you connected it to the freenode #ultimaker channel.)
Edited by Guesthttps://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/11047-ultimaker-chat-update-?page=2
EDIT: Posted in wrong place...
Edited by GuestI've always found the chat option something that was strange and not necessary, but tbh I haven't really tried it before.
Will give it a try
Chat is now working again:
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valcrow 145
+1 especially the input text box needs to be more adjustable for my long winded posts. :geek:
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