That's axactly right, I already changed it here at my local copy of Cura, but if I use it now in my plugin nobody else can do. A breakline like '<br \>' would be nice also. Anyway with a label i can just use '---------------' if necessary.
That's axactly right, I already changed it here at my local copy of Cura, but if I use it now in my plugin nobody else can do. A breakline like '<br \>' would be nice also. Anyway with a label i can just use '---------------' if necessary.
As I worked on that part of the Cura code as well, I have to wish you good luck... :huh:
Luck for what? That they implement it you mean?
It's really not a big deal... I hope they do it.
Not the very best solution but a good one without too much effort:
change no. 1 at
replace line 112:
s.Add(wx.StaticText(pluginPanel, -1, param['description']), pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,2), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,border=3)
if param['description'] == '---' and param['type'] == 'none':
s.Add(wx.StaticLine(pluginPanel), pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,4), flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT,border=3)
elif param['description'].startswith('b_'):
ctrl = wx.StaticText(pluginPanel, -1, (param['description'])[2:])
tmp = ctrl.GetFont()
s.Add(ctrl, pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,2), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,border=3)
elif param['description'].startswith('m_'):
s.Add(wx.StaticText(pluginPanel, -1, ((param['description']).replace(r'\n','\n'))[2:]), pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,2), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,border=3)
s.Add(wx.StaticText(pluginPanel, -1, param['description']), pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,2), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,border=3)
change no. 2 at
insert before line 123
else: #standard text box
the following
elif param['type'].lower() == 'none':
Then you can print with params...
... an empty second colum by type:'none'
... a line by description:'---' and type:'none'
... a bold text by 'b_' before the description
... use \n as newline by 'm_' before the description
Do the plugins run properly like that? No problems in
@Dim3nsioneer: everything is fine so far
You should clone the source code from
using git, make your edits and submit them as pull request. That way your edits can be automatically merged with the existing code, if the code is up to standard.
well, my solution is really quick and not sophisticated.
if you can tell me that you will definitely include it when it is ready, then I will invest more time in a better way for the formatting options, ... (and use github)
hey again, you are right dimensioneer, the update-process doesn't work anymore... but as I said... will wait for bagels answer
I found an other way to modify the pluginbox within the plugin, thank you anyway
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pm_dude 27
Hi ataraxis,
basicaly you want a label right?
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