Maybe it is Impossibilium Donalditis?
I have today shipped to everyone who contacted me!
I also included a new kind of nozzle for you.. sorry :-P .
About the test; No need to test how tough it is, I am only concerned with
material sticking/not sticking to its inside after retractions, and after complete cooldowns.
The length of the item is exactly the same as the standard Teflon piece, but since it is a harder material
you can increase the pressure to avoid any leak.. so screw the Metal coupling ( the one with the radial holes ) down or all the way down, this brings the hot end block a little higher inside the coupling.
BE CAREFUL: The steel coupling is very brittle, I have easily destroyed one myself. you need to HEAT the nozzle before touching the steel coupler.. It is brittle because it is thinly designed to absorb as little as possible energy from the block.
Thank you all!
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chrisr 18
Exciting stuff swordriff :-) I'd dearly love to volunteer but we have a house move coming up shortly so I'm not sure I'd be able to thoroughly test the part. I'm not looking forward to dismantling my "man-cave" with all the computers and electronic stuff I have... but more pleasing than tackling all the cr@p in the attic (left overs from last house move) Think I may be hiring a big skip for most of that.
Good luck with the testing - I'm sure I'll be buying some from you once "the dust has settled" :-)
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