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Posted · general forum feedback
Isn't that the best reason to go? Its very easy to be mad at a forum name or email adress.

@nallath I'm not mad... I just lost the energy and interest to participate.

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    Isn't that the best reason to go? Its very easy to be mad at a forum name or email adress.

    @nallath I'm not mad... I just lost the energy and interest to participate.

    Fair enough. Most of the feedback is being addressed. Expect updates soon.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Wow, lost my entire reply too again, by middle mouse clicking forum to open a new tab on the forum to check something out...



    @titus, I understand some users are currently suffering from a reduced overview of posts they used to follow but there is nothing wrong with posting the new Ulti-evening in Community; Events and Meetings, is it? Like, it should be posted there?


    I know that section is there, I know that updates will be posted there, I know because I looked for it sometimes, to see if there was an update. Thing thing is that I just can't see that from glancing now. I have to actively go looking for new things to find them.

    And I can't justify doing that so often without there being anything new. Therefor rather than seeing it within hours of the actual post, it took me 6 days now. This is the delay that this forum in it's current state is causing.

    This is why I and others, just simply can't put ourselves to it to visit the forum, to read stuff. It's not 100% a mental blockade, though it most certainly is, due to all the things that went wrong in the process of transferring, but it is also genuinely harder to do now.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Hi @Titus, I understand.

    You can also subscribe to the section 'Events and Meetings', so you get a notification when a new topic is created.

    Unfortunately, as we just discovered, this is foiled by a bug.

    But this should be able to solved fast, we are already working on it.

    This should help create more overview, if you follow the sub categories you are interested in?

    Anyway, at least until the new filter is generated.

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    I like to stay on the positive side of things in this discussion. I just love my Ultimaker 2 and very much enjoy the community here, even if the forums are still not perfect.

    I would like to say though that it is the time it apparently takes to get any modification done that is kind of hard to understand.

    - Who is liking my posts? The like is a form of communication. It became, very originally, an anonymous one on this forum. I am nearly not bothering to like other people posts anymore, for this reason. A pity, the "Like" is a powerful tool when implemented correctly.

    - notifications still bring to the first page of a topic, instead of the last. Is this so difficult to address? I would appear to me like a few minutes work to fix.

    - no notification e-mails. Why on earth, honestly.

    - no discrimination between read and not read. Also this one, why is it so hard to fix. It is now a standard feature of all good forum software.

    - the points mechanism is visibly flawed. I see people with quite few posts and hundreds of points, and some with hundred of posts and very few points. It looks kind of random and surely is unfair as it is now.

    - Login session does not survive browser closure. Lost posts etc... Can't the session cookie simply last one full month, or something like that. Does this really takes weeks to be solved.

    It would be nice to see at least one or two of these things addressed in real time, that is right now. Weeks pass by and it looks like very little happens. Most of the complaining here would end or would be seriously mitigated if something actually happened.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Hi Personal-drones,

    Thank you for your feedback, and staying on the positive side of things :)

    We should expect a release with fixes near the end of the day, so very soon now.

    - Who is liking my posts?

    Expect this to be solved today.

    - notifications still bring to the first page of a topic.

    Expect this to be solved today.

    - no notification e-mails. Why on earth, honestly.

    This won't be fixed this week. Enabling email itself is not complicated, but creating the options to receive it immediately, once a week or whatever takes longer. There are a lot of settings and options that are involved in this process.

    Enabling email notification it self is not that big of a deal, but right now it would mean you get too many emails (like you also get a lot of notifications).

    So first improve regular notifications, later email notifications.

    - no discrimination between read and not read.

    This is part of a filter that will be build after the faster fixes. Because it is so big and influential we decided to postpone it to after the obvious fixes.

    - the points mechanism is visibly flawed.

    The script that calculated the points need to be revised. Because it is not as important as some other fixes we did not prioritize this.

    I will publish an official list of what is addressed and solved. You can use it as a guideline, or beacon of hope ;) In this thread I will publish what is coming up (next).

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    OK just to let you know that I "liked" your post. This will show up explicitely later on today then ;)

    Don't know if it is backwards compatible, but it would definitely be an improvement!

    .. and thank you! ;)

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    What I think everyone would agree on is that we need a page (preferably near the start of the forum) that displays as many sections and threads that is possible. not just a few on the current chosen topic or the most commonly viewed ones or most popular, but all, or as many as you can.

    Also it needs a direct weblink to this forum, constantly clicking on ultimaker then community and blah blah gets very irritating.

    Its these little things that save time that I miss the most.

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    Ok, an official update about the improvements that went live today!!

    I will also post a separate read only post, that will list all the fixes.

    Since this thread is ongoing, the other thread can be used as a point of reference to see what has been updated so far.

    For now, here we go:

    - Preview post.

    It is now possible to preview the comment/reply you are typing. When you are getting serious about the layout and pictures, this is a great tool to make sure every thing looks and feels as intended!

    - Replies by / Replied by.

    In the forum overview it used to show who the first participants are.

    This has now been updated to illustrate who the latest repliers are. By clicking on their avatar you are also being directed to the corresponding latest post, instead of their user profile. The first avatar after 'Replied by' is the latest reply, and so forth.

    - Notifications.

    In the future this is going to be optimized even further, but for now the notifications you receive will guide you directly to the corresponding post instead of the first page. If there are multiple replies, it will take you to the first unread reply.

    - Pagination.

    The index of the pages will be copied to the top of the page, to help you navigate through the forum faster. On a forum overview page the pagination will show the first 3 pages and the latest 3, instead of just the first. So it will look like this: 1 2 3 - 23 24 25. On a topic detail it shows the 5 nearest pages, for example: 1 2 3 4 5 .. 57. We're changing this to 1 2 3 .. 55 56 57 in the near future as well, so that it matches with the forum overview pages.

    - Sidebar community page.

    We have changed the order of the community page side bar.

    The new order will be:

    1: Unanswered Questions

    2: Events

    3: Ideas

    4: Print

    5: Leaderboard.

    - Likes.

    If you get a notification that your post or topic has been liked you now can see who brightened your day by giving you a like. No more anonymous liking, you can see who your allies are!

    Remember your allies, because currently it is only visible through notifications.

    Later we will enable hovering over the <3will tell you your 'likers'.

    But don't like everything at once, because for now only the last 'liker' will show up in your notifications.

    - Print filtering.

    We added a filter in the prints-section which sort on date.

    - Scaling text editor.

    Not only do you have the option to scale your text editor, it will automatically scale to your text. It starts with the default size you are familiar with and it will extend according to the size of your reply.

    Because of the update everyone who is online during the update will automatically be logged out. This is necessary for everyone to use these improvements.

    Don't worry, it is not a bug. Our apologies for the inconvenience, but we hope that these upgrades will make up for it! :)

    We have also looked in the suspicious time-out bug, where during your session you would actively be logged out. We could not recreate it or find any traces of this bug after research. Although we suspect the few times this occurred was due to a system update (and not a bug), we would like to ask you to keep an eye out for it.

    If this does happen to you, report it to me with as much info as possible, so we can hopefully recreate and fix it.

    To be on the safe side, we recommend when writing long and important replies, to copy it before posting.

    Looking ahead we can also tell you what is up next, and we need you in the process!

    The information density has been a popular topic and we certainly have been taking this serious. We are working on a new design that will improve the user interface, and we want your opinion! You will hear from us in this regard somewhere next week!

    Looking forward to see what you think of these improvements!

    Edit: It appears that the notifications are a bit overly excited and take us to a futuristic page. We are aware of it and the developers are notified and occupied

    Same goes for some 'replied by'-links.

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    Posted · general forum feedback


    @sandervG I just clicked on a notification for this thread and it took me to a blank page, page 33

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Same for me

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    @sandervG I just clicked on a notification for this thread and it took me to a blank page, page 33

    On it!

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    Posted · general forum feedback


    @cor3ys test like...

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    @rigs @cor3ys would you be so kind to go back to your notification and save the link and send it to me in a DM? You can do this by right-click on the notification and choose save link.

    Thank you!

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    @cor3ys test like...

    @rigs yep the like works

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback


    @sandervG sent, its not taking me to page 33 it takes me to page 34...

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Ok for me @cor3ys thx

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    Page 33 is showing on the overview page and when you click on that it takes you to a blank page 33... but when you click on page 32 it works so i assume this post will end up on page 33 now

    Edit: so yes this is now top of page 33 so the overview screen is reporting the next page before there is any post actually on the next page...

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Later we will enable hovering over the <3will tell you your 'likers'.


    Yes please, this is the right thing to do.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Later we will enable hovering over the <3will tell you your 'likers'.


    Yes please, this is the right thing to do.

    Ok, good to hear we are on the same page!

    (in contrary of what the notifications tell me, that we are on page 34)

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Notifications of new posts here now bring me to a page where it says "no replies yet" ;) Nice to see things moving 8)

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    See Rigs how the icon with your postman can be used in a post. Still not sure which emotional state it is supposed to convey, but there you have it.

    The infamous "Rigs Postman Icon" LOL

    8) 8) 8)

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    8) 8) after the " black mamba " .... the " RPI "...like... Finally, the gratitude of these years of research. Good day !

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    Posted · general forum feedback


    Fix the main search engine so it works and returns meaningful results. (Hint - think Google)

    That's the main one at the top of the opening page which works worse than the little magnifier at the top right. Why?

    And why have both?

    Re-instate the friends list so that research & private correspondances from the previous forums are re-instated & intact. They make the forum more of a place to interact with.

    Get rid of all the pointless white space in this @#*% design. It takes up screen real estate and makes for difficult reading.

    Points and badges? Are we in Kindergarten? No further comment as I suspect that's your 'baby' :-)

    Create a "New posts" feature on the front page - which is useful for any users to see what's changed and makes it then easy to sift through current threads.

    If it already exists, I'm damned if I can find it which should tell you to make it more obvious?

    I feel this isn't a forum anymore it's just a sort of glossy UM showcase extension?

    I'll expect the usual reply from you with nothing really being done change wise while "you're listening" but going ahead anyway and putting your own stamp on things (as we'd say in London) "a load of bunny"

    Why not surprise me? :-)

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