Updates previous sessions:
Ulti-Evening We made some preparations behind the scenes for an international expansion of the concept of 'Ulti-Evening'. These preparations are now behind the scene but results should surface within the next few months.
Hidden album Every user now has a private uploads folder for images, which is hidden from every other user
3D prints We've added 3D prints to the moderation screen
Nozzle sizes Nozzle size has been added to the 3D prints section
Mark as read Mark as read now works on the 'topics' view
Print inserter A user can share a 3D print from the 3D print session. These 'cards' can be shared with iframe, also on external platforms that support iframe embedding.
New visitors When a new visitor comes to the website, a pop up is presented to suggest a registration to our community, if they don't want to miss any new updates.
Cura We emphasised the BETA versions from the download page.
Reminders After registration you receive a reminder if you have nog logged in after 2 days.
Tooltips We've added tooltips on editor icons, this way people can see more clearly what the icons mean and do.
Chatroom There is a chatroom again!
Email delivery We've built in a new email system (Mandrill) which is quick and reliable
Moderator options Some new moderator options
Privacy issues Privacy issue with http/https fixed
White submenu bar The white submenu bar is back on the community
Notifier We've added a notifier when you navigate away from a page when you've typed something. This is useful when you accidentally navigate away by either closing or refreshing the page or by going back a page.
Labels Changed the way the solved label works, it's now more obvious and it also shows up in Google. This way users searching for an issue quickly see if the issue was solved.
Filter Added the topic filter "Solved topics", to easily find topics with solutions
and added the topic filter "Unreplied topics", to find inactive topics easily.
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SandervG 1,522
I promised I would update this thread so here we go:
Updates from February:
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