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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2
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  • Industry
    (Product) design
    R&D / Exploration

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  1. This is great! I've been thinking about designing one of these for a while! My idea had been to design one that mounts on the extruder, so that I could get some closeups of what's happening at the nozzle for debugging slice settings, but I thought it might cause problems with the extra weight on the extruder... Might be fun to try and design a mount for the bed, too, for some new angles.
  2. I'll definitely be sure to do one of these around Maker Faire! I'll be sure to share some photos as well
  3. Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to put together a meetup in the San Francisco bay area for Ultimaker owners or people interested in Ultimaker or 3D printing in general to meet each other, talk shop, and show off all the cool things they've been working on. The first meetup will be this Sunday, October 18th, 2015 from 2-4pm at PIQ Bakery in Downtown Berkeley, CA. I'll have an Ultimaker 2 on-site, so maybe we'll print something. If this meetup is as fun as I think it will be, this will probably become a regular thing. You can find more information at the meetup page: Look forward to seeing you there!
  4. Hey, I've got one, if you guys still need it. Can you tell me a bit more about your software and what the test would look like?
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