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Posts posted by Maeni63

  1. I was wondering if you use Cura 2.3 because...


    Hi Bram,

    I ordered the EASYMAX from 3DLabprint..and I am struggling with exactly the same problem since days !!!

    I do have an UM3, Slicer is Cura 2.3.1...and I am unable as well to slice the wing-parts with the internal supports as well as the fuselage-parts.

    I asked my 3D printshop where I bought my UM3 for support. They did look into the STL files with Autocad and came to the conclusion that these files have errors due to a missing wall.

    If you zoom into the wing part within Cura then you see that the internal suppors are not touching the wall. Might this be the problem ?

    In addition, if i just take one of the five wing parts and slice with selected Prusa i3 I am successfull to print this one on a i3 clone. If I select more than one of the wing-pieces (5) then one of the five do not have internal supports. If I remove then this one, the next one has missing internal supports etc. same procedure until one last remains and this one has then as well no internal supports.

    This is very strange behaviour in Cura 2.3.1 !!! ...and therefore I am not able to print these famous R/C model pieces with my UM3 :-(((

    If I select the same 5 wing-pieces in Cura 15.04.6 and look into the layers view, all internal supports are shown (and I assume then printed as well)...

    ...but as far as I understand as 3D print newbie this Cura version does not support my UM3.

    So, finally I am locked :-((

    If there is anybody out there who could help me/us, this would be very appreciated.

    There is a wing test-part on thingiverse if someone wants to reproduce the error in Cura 2.3.1: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1118879

    Of course I tried with Cura 2.4 Beta as well, without success



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