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Posts posted by Liogetz

  1. I'm new to the site, I have been creeping the last few weeks since my school had an UM2+, last week they purchased 2 more units which I had the pleasure of unboxing and being the first to print on them. I cant believe how simple the machine is and how nice it prints. so much better than the schools dimensions 1200es.

    I purchased another brand printer to make functional prototypes just before the new year that has proven to be nothing but a nightmare. I have been waiting for replacement parts which look like they are never coming. it is very hard for me to continue fixing the issues as i am partially disabled.

    so I have now decided to purchase a used um2 extended if anyone has one they are willing to part with.

    If anyone has something or know of something please let me know. I know I missed out on a amazing deal recently which would of been perfect for me.

    Thank you

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