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Posts posted by hrcomputers

  1. Thank you for your response.  After investigating further, it does seem the nozzle is not touching the print bed when the print begins.  The distance from the glass differs on each print file.  Would that indicate a problem with a Cura setting on the files or a calibration problem with the printer?

    I am using an Ultimaker 2, Cura 15.02.1, and Ultimaker brand PLA.

  2. Why are my prints not smooth? The filament creates a loop design instead. I don't know if the problem is with the filament or the extruder or with a setting in Cura. The problem has occurred with multiple files, but not every file. We have tried changing filament spools and will have success for a while, then the problem reoccurs. This question is coming from a novice, so thank you in advance for your help.



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