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Posts posted by repco

  1. I have not seen any settings for coasting. Where would one find that in Cura?

    But, every printed object will have a seam where the layer ends meet. On the walls this is seen as a small line up and down the printed object. The slicer is showing me a skip between the ends of a wall layer. This  produces a gap line up the outside wall of the sliced image. Image you took a router to your board and made a groove. Or a gap between the layer ends.

  2. I was using cura 4.11 without problems for my monoprice mini. Last fall i installed 4.12. It seemed to work fine. Used it over the weekend and it failed to slice properly... The seam was left open... It was a gap in the outer walls. On the printer it was a mess. I installed 4.13.. Same thing. Made adjustments to seam features, and no solution was found. The seam features moved around, but gaps remained.  Windows was also updated between 4.12 and 4.13.  Uninstalled 4.13 and reinstalled 4.11.   Problem continues.  Any ideas?

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