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  • 3D printer
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  1. it didn't work... I used the spin option on Blender (which is far easier, BTW!) and it came out exactly the same on Cura. However, I changed the printer from Prusa Mk2 to simply Prusa and it worked! I have no idea what the difference is between the two but it's printing at the moment, so time will tell but so far, so good. Thanks, Connal
  2. thanks to both for the really useful information. I'd rather NOT change drawing packages, as it's taken me so long to get my head round Blender and I sometimes use it for other things. I'll have a go at creating using the lathe technique. I have done something similar on Blender (using Bezier curves), so I will try that and let you know how I get on. I'll also have another look at the printer settings and see if there is anything obvious. Thanks again, Connal
  3. Hi, I'm trying to create a couple of cup-like objects. I've created them in blender and imported them into Cura (3.5.1). On the solid view it looks fine but in the sliced view, I'm just getting a thin cylinder. I've tried it several different ways and the only one that was successful was when I 'hacked' a ready-made doughnut shape in blender. All the others look like the same thin cylinder. In Blender, I can't find any 'holes' and it was built so that I made sure there weren't any. I've attached the 3mf file, if you need to take a look at it. test8.3mf Thanks, Connal
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