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Posts posted by CalvinCR

  1. The photo of the print head is after several hours of melting away PLA with a soldering iron, it's still got a ways to go clearly. The second image is the corrosion on the rails/sliders that I'm concerned about, the photo has the worst rust the rails are pretty clear but I can see tiny dots starting to appear which is why I'm considering them for replacement.


    Located in Toronto (Canada)



  2. Thanks for the feedback, I'll take some pictures when I'm in the office again. I was considering replacing the rails because they've been sitting in an empty office for a year without maintenance (Covid) and are starting to show signs of corrosion.


    Is Ultimaker the best source for replacement parts? I'm guessing at least for a new print head they would be the go to?

  3. I have an Ultimaker 2+ Extended that was damaged over a year ago. The print failed early on and the entire print head is encased in plastic. After researching I believe it was due to using 3+ year old filament that got jammed. 


    Due to the long time without maintenance, is it better for me to replace the 2+ with a newer model or is it worth repairing?

    How is ultimaker at supplying replacement components for their printers?


    I imagine I would need all new rails and print head, basically everything above the bed.

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