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Posts posted by ImagineTheForce

  1. My S5 pro has been printing successfully on 5.8.2 for a few weeks.  After a reboot, I started printing more from the queue in the cloud.  Prints were all created in latest cura and uploaded to cloud.  The first print kicked off automatically and then hung at the “finishing” stage for hours.  Eventually I rebooted the machine which caused it to be very confused on reboot - on reboot it thought the print was now finished yet the filament was still all the way to the print head and it wouldn’t connect back to the cloud despite having an internet connection - just sat in that state with the ready to print screen.  I started a clean print head procedure and aborted it after the print head heated - that seemed to be enough to reset it and it picked up the next print from the cloud. Any ideas on what to do to avoid this or is it a bug in firmware or cura?

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