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Posts posted by Jeffe7FQ

  1. 30 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

    When you open a 3mf file it can change your active printer.  Did something like that happen?

    I had never opened a 3mf file. The only event between working/not working was the software update to 4.8. After the update, my printer was still set as the default, and everything was as I had left it. Except, of course, that it will no longer slice anything.


    I only mentioned the placing models off the build plate because it was a detail that might trigger an idea. Centering the models is not a problem, but it is something (else) that changed with the upgrade.


    Not slicing… yeah. That's an issue.

  2. 7 hours ago, Mari said:

    No problems with slicing this file... It is better to attach the Cura Project-file instead of the STL-file. The project-file also contains your printer/cura settings!  So do a "save project file"... 😉


    I went back an redesigned the part (I goofed). I also re-imported the printer specific files/definitions since the update replaced the whole app.


    The new model still seems OK (and I also re-tried models that sliced before the upgrade)… still no good.


    As suggested, I've saved & attached the project.


    Thanks in advance.


  3. I'm having the same problem. I made the attached model in Sketchup (yeah, I know). Previous attempts had 'watertight' issues, but sliced successfully in Cura 3.7 (?). I updated to 3.8.0 before attempting to slice. I thought it was a problem with my model, but I brought in previously successful files (from various sources), and they wouldn't slice either.


    I was able to slice this model at Astroprint (I have no prior experience with that site… I can't say I'm impressed) but it gave an error that the model is too big (it's considerably smaller than the print area) but it let me slice it anyway. It seemed to work, but I had a bed adhesion issue and stopped the print.


    System Info : macOS 10.14.6

    Printer: MP Mini Delta

    Files to printer via SD card


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