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Posts posted by jcrscott

  1. Thanks again for the reply gr5, I keep my filament (support and base material) in a Sunlu filament drier set to 50C while printing.  With other filaments and support materials this has helped mitigate a lot of other printing issues I was having separate from stringing.


    I've had a moderate amount of success by changing the follow print settings for the Gizmodorks PVA on my most recent print:

    1) "Retraction Distance" increased to 6.5mm 

    2) "Maximum Retraction Count" set to 9999 (ensuring retraction always happens)

    3) "Minimum Extrusion Distance Window" set equal to "Retraction Distance" at 6.5mm

    4) Disable "Limit Support Retractions"

    5) "Support Wall Line Count" increased to 2


    The following settings changes also seem to have resolved support interface errors:

    1) "Gradual Support Infill Steps" increased to 5

    2) "Gradual Support Infill Step Height" increased to 1.5mm

    3) "Support Density" = 100%

    4) "Support Roof Thickness" increased to 1.0mm

    5) "Support Floor Thickness" increased to 1.0mm

    6) "Support Interface Density" increased to 100%

    7) "Small Hole Max Size" = 15mm


    I've attached an image of the print with the updated settings.



  2. Thanks so much for your detailed reply gr5!!


    I use environmental sensors to track the humidity and temperature of my filament and always use dehydrated filament for each new print.  Some of my prints can be VERY long because I like to print "miniatures" (~8in tall) using a 0.25mm nozzle at ~35mm/s.  The print in the images I shared in my first post was 10 days long.  This is the longest print I've ever put on but 3-5 days isn't unusual.  I completely agree that this type of stringing is very likely caused by water saturated PVA in most cases, however, I'm encountering this stringing right at the very beginning of each print, with filament that I have confirmed to be dehydrated (see attached image for confirmation of 15% Rh.


    I will absolutely still try what you suggested just in case these sensors aren't as reliable as I assumed, but I wonder if there are any other print settings which could help reduce this stringing?


    Thanks again for your help!


  3. I’ve been having trouble with extreme stringing using Gizmodorks PVA.  The strands wrap themselves around the shaft of the front fan, and even if I remove the strands from the fan after every print, they eventually kill the fan, which leads to the filament melting above the print head, which jams the material feeding system.  I’ve had to replace the fan 3 times now.  

    It may seem like a no brainer to just stop using the Gizmodorks PVA but it’s much less expensive and much easier to remove than every other alternative I’ve tried.


    I’ve also tried enabling retraction, increasing retraction distance, changing print temperature, and changing travel speed. None of these have helped.


    I’m currently printing the PVA at 35mm/s and 185 Degrees C.  I think it’s important to note that the eSun PLA I use as the primary material has no issues with stringing.


    Does anyone have any experience with this material, or any suggestions for how I might resolve this issue?





  4. I realize that it’s been a while since you posted but I’ve also had a similar problem.  I had a print that was 2hrs away from finishing a 3.5 day print and the support print head became non-repairably blocked.  The only available option was to swap the print nozzle or to remove the original print nozzle for cleaning.  Swapping the print nozzle gave me an over temp error which is impossible to clear without restarting the machine (why?).  After restart there is no way to recover the print.


    I was hoping to edit the code to restart at the most recent layer but I can’t seem to start the print without the auto-levelling or nozzle height test.  I’m also not able to ssh in to the machine after the most recent update so I’m not sure if there’s some way I could start it from there?


    I haven’t moved the build plate in the hopes that someone here may be able to provide some advice?


    help?  :P

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