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Posts posted by SophBayliss

  1. Thanks!


    At the moment i am just looking at non-flying parts such as tooling which often gets the chemicals spilled on it and is currently metal but could be cheaper to 3D print and lighter so less of an ergonomic issue.


    HDPE is most likely a good option I hadn't thought of!


    Thanks again for the advice with moldings, that's something I am looking into in another project.

  2. Hi,


    I am working on a project testing material resistance to aviation hydraulic fluid (Skydrol/Hyjet V).


    I am looking for recommendations of materials which may have some resistance to such a chemical.


    I know that GF30-PA6 fairs well when exposed to these chemicals but equally that materials such as ABS and PLA degrade extremely quickly.


    Any material suggestions or data sources would be greatly appreciated.


    Many thanks,


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