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Posts posted by tigertr0ut

  1. Hello

    I am wondering what to do when a model doesn't fit within the visual print "cube" in Cura.


    For example, I open an .stl in Cure and sometimes the model is outside this "cube"


    Sometimes the model is clearly to big, so I click on it and scale it.  However even though visually it is much smaller and should easily 'fit' inside the cube, the model sits to the right, and it cannot be sliced (gives an error).


    Is there a way to correct this situation?


    Or does this imply the model/file is incompatible with my printer and can not be used (even is scaled, adjusted etc)


    Thank you

  2. Hello


    I am looking to determine the scale % of a .gcode model.


    For example, I opened a .stl file in Cura, clicked the model and used the mouse to resize the model visually.


    I then sliced and saved the file to a .gcode and printed.


    The print was fine, but there are other pieces to the full model, and I forgot to write down the % the printed piece was scaled (so I can apply this scaling % to the other pieces so everything fits).


    Is there a way to determine what % the .gcode was scaled since I didn't write the value down?


    Thanks in advance

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