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Posts posted by jssamp

  1. Myosotis, I know your pain. I was given a Cube 3 a few months ago. It was my first foray into 3D printing also. The learning curve has been steep. Unfortunately, 3D Systems has abandoned it's home products line and there is no support. As you have found the system is proprietary. But that doesn't mean it is out of reach for talented individuals. The good news is there is a strong community around these Cube printers. You might call it a fan base. Some of those talented individuals are at the core of this community and have managed some pretty amazing things like a decoder/encoder for cubex files.


    I have a Cube 3 as I said, not a CubeX so I don't know the details of that machine but you should check it out at Print3DForum CubeX .

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