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Posts posted by satyshurp

  1. Thanks for the info. I suspect in our case the printers were allowed to access our local network, but blocked from accessing the wider internet. I never enabled any of the cloud functionality on them, so I can't say if that worked or not. The few times I needed to update firmware, I needed to download the file from your website and copy to a USB key to perform the update.

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  2. Is there a way to block firmware updates on the S5? For a while, our IT security was inadvertently blocking the updates, but I guess that changed recently. Either the machines automatically updated to 8.x or a 'helpful' user decided to press the buttons to start the upgrade. Either way, I would like to block the update to 8.x until this is sorted out.

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  3. I realize I am probably a drop in the bucket, but I figure I would add my 2c here:


    I run a small 3D printing lab at an aerospace company that uses Ultimakers. I switched to you guys specifically because your machines could provide all the functionality of our older Stratasys machines at a much lower cost. I found the grouping functionality of the printers very useful for presenting the printers as a single entity to our engineers so they don't have to manually choose which printer to send the job to. I realize this functionality probably exists in your cloud service, but that is not an option for us.


    Many of our government contracts fall under ITAR or EAR and while we don't use these printers to print any real flight hardware, the line gets blurry enough that we are generally forbidden to use any sort of cloud software.


    Please consider us folks that cannot use your cloud offerings when updating your printers.

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