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Posts posted by Bungalow3D

  1. hello community, this is my first question I have posed here and I hope someone can help guide me down the right path or at least provide and answer and/or explaination.

    My sales team and PM for a project have just sold a job where they agreed to printing a bunch of parts with Stratasys brand ABS-M30 material. Now, I dont have a Stratasys machine, I have a few Ender 5 plus machines, a frog print, a Ultimaker ext3 and Ultimaker S5. Has anyone had any experience in trying to print with this material on a printer other than a Stratasys? Is it possible? Are there specialized alterations required? what size nozzle is needed? I tried to call Stratasys support, but they had no experience or suggestions for me (other than contact my printers manufacturers, or have THEM print the parts for me) Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me? 

    Thank you in advance.

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