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  1. ultimakermaker's post in Error messages was marked as the answer   
    I figured it out.  I use IdeaMaker for import as it has detailed reporting and error correction.  Then I export from IM and import into UM Cura.  I don't really care about the errors--just how to fix them.  Frankly, when I build something in Blender or anywhere else, the errors shouldn't exist  at all and reflect non-standardized, fragmented, poorly developed build systems.  That IM can fix it (slowly) is awesome.  That UM Cura is easy on the eyes and has a variety of pre-made printer templates, also awesome.  So--although this is sort of a dumb problem that shouldn't exist but does and isn't really fixed, the dual-system workaround works.  If Idea Maker's UI looked a little better, there wouldn't even be a need for a dual system.
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