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  1. 32DDPrinting's post in why no top on spiralized vases was marked as the answer   
    You don't need to know any gcode to do exactly what you said, Slashee_the_Cow. I'll go ahead and explain the simple "how to" below.

    For derPotz, shoe, and anyone else (as this was a top listed google search result when I had the same question) - here's how you can manually edit your gcode file to achieve  a "Spiralize Outer Contour" print, except also with a top. I've just attempted it moments ago, and it worked perfectly.

    1. Slice your file with Spiralize Outer Contour mode the way you want it to be, and save your .gcode to disk.

    2. Uncheck Spiralize Outer Contour, modify any settings that you believe will strengthen the top layers of the print, and re-slice and save that .gcode file (as a separate file!). Check and remember how many top layers you set to print.

    3. Open the 2nd .gcode file where spiralize was set to off in any text editor.  Search (often Ctrl/Cmd + F) for the term "LAYER:" (without quotes, but definitely with the : ), and step backwards through the search results by exactly the amount of top layers you set. Make note of the number followed by LAYER: when you get to this point, as you should be at the point in the gcode that is exactly the number of top layers you had set from the end.

    4. Highlight everything from that line to the very end of the file, and copy it to your clipboard (Ctrl/Cmd + C).

    5. Open the file where Spiralize Outer Contour was on. Search for LAYER:NUMBER, where NUMBER is equal to the actual number that I asked you to make note of in step 3. Highlight everything from that line to the end of the file, and paste in your gcode! (Ctrl/Cmd + V)

    6. Save your newly modified spiralize file, and go print it!

    Hope this helps people. I know it absolutely worked for my use case.
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