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Ecorche model from Rafael Grassetti 1.0

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I purchased a sculpting tutorial a while back from Rafael Grassetti on Gumroad. He just updated the course a couple weeks back including a beautiful ecorche zbrush model that he made. I've always wanted a big ecorche model for my desk for reference, so I started optimizing it for 3d printing.

This is my first attempt at printing it out.

Tutorial and files can be found here: https://gumroad.com/grassetti

The print failed, but I think it's because I left the geometry really sloppy on the inside of the mesh. The print head ended up running into the model and knocking it over... but I miraculously happened to be standing right there as it happened :)

Printed on Normal with supports, the model was oriented upside-down so that the arm would have less overhang.

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