About This File
I'm a huge Ghostbusters fan, and wen the board game came out, it included about 100 amazing figures.. but there were a few things lacking, so I decided to make them myself!
First I did the slime splats you see pictured, modelled in zbrush.
The big project though, was a dice tower based on the Ghostbusters firehouse. The game's figures are based off the comic book artwork, so I decided to do a toon version of the firehouse, based on the old saturday morning cartoon.
Learning how a dice tower works, and printing a rough draft version really helped in the design of this. This like the ramps and angles needed to be adjusted so they came out all the time, and as this was one of my first custom designed printed projects, I had a learning curve learning out how to model for printing, and also how to cut something like this up into parts that were then assembled together.
(The tower and inner dice column were printed together, and the roof, ramps, signs, and dice barrier were al printed separately.)
Also pictured is a replica I did of the hood ornament on the new car in the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot movie.