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Posts posted by makingfoamfly

  1. Hi all, not a ultimaker owner, yet but wanted to try making my own machine first and thought the ultimaker firmware and software chain would be a good place to start. As such I have a V1.4 ramps with only 1 test stepper on the y. All I want to do at this point is to see if I can get the motor to turn via gCode. I have verified that the electronics setup is ok with the test script available at the reprap wiki. At the moment I am using the 5D firmware with RepG24 both from the ultimaker site with the ultimaker instructions followed. I was able to load a stl file and generate G Code. I am also able to connect to to the electronics However when I try to build the part I receive the error "GCode Parser is null. Can't Print" three times. once during warmup, once during build, and once during CoolDown. It then Says the build completed in one minute and ends as if the print was successful.

    Can anyone offer suggestions as to what is wrong, or a better place to ask?

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