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  1. I think the software has improved a lot since the review. Do you have any specific beefs?
  2. This is a long thread and I haven't managed to read all of it. If you are looking to replace the controller with a BeagleBone, probably the easiest way is to use a Replicape: http://www.thing-printer.com/product/replicape/ The big advantages of the BeagleBone over the Raspberry Pi are the integrated fast microcontrollers that can have a shared memory interface to the ARM for sending the stepper motor pulses really fast and reliably. There's also more PWMs (good for heating elements, fan controls, etc.) and ADCs (good for thermistors, etc.). For firmware, Elias has rewritten Marlin as Redeem http://reprap.org/wiki/Redeem. If you you are more of an expert and want more flexible machine control, there is Machinekit http://beagleboard.org/project/MachineKit/.
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