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Posts posted by lucamaz

  1. Hi everybody,

    is there anybody who has a profile correctly setted ready to obtain a fine quality print?

    I've just assembled my first Ultimaker but now I'm fighting with RepG/Slic3r to print something good.

    Using Slic3r "Fine Print" profile I've only obtained low quality printouts.

    Please, can anybody help me?

    Kind regards


  2. Ciao,

    In realta io non ho fatto nulla dal lato hardware se non usare 4 molle prese dalle mollette dei panni come tendicinghie...

    Il resto è stock e va bene.

    I problemi li ho trovati tutti nel software. Ho smadonnato con netfabb per un mese fino a che ho dato il rest e mi è cambiato tutto. Mi sono trovato un pezzo di nuovo codice nel start_gcode e ora va bene...


    ho finito di assemblare la Ultimaker una settimana fa e ora sto litigando con Netfabb per riuscire a stampare un pezzo che sia di qualità decente.

    Per ora son riuscito ad ottenere qualcosa di quasi decente solo utilizzando RepG 0034 con Slic3r 072b, altrimenti niente da fare.

    Ho acquistato anche una licenza di "Netfabb for Ultimaker 4.9.1". Lo utilizzo per generare il GCode con il profilo "2a High Quality - Filled Object" che poi passo a RepG 0034 per la stampa vera e propria. Da quanto ho capito infatti non è possibile stampare direttamente da Netfabb, e in effetti ho provato ma senza riuscirci.

    Nel tuo post scrivi che "hai dato il rest"...cosa significa?

    Per cortesia, riusciresti a darmi qualche suggerimento o un settaggio corretto per iniziare a stampare pezzi di qualità?

    Ti ringrazio anticipatamente per l'eventuale aiuto.


  3. Hi all,

    I'm a newby of Ultimaker world.

    When I print using Netfabb 4.9.1 something strange happens.

    The extruder motor starts to push the filament forward too strong and fast, but the heater can't warm up the filament so fast.

    So it happens that the filament pushes up the PFA tube and it jumps out of the peek insulator and out of the head too.

    Please, can anyone help me finding a solution to this issue?

    Is there any setting to do that avoid this wrong behavior?

    Thanks in advance


    Luca Mazzotti

  4. Hi all,

    I'm newby of Ultimaker world.

    I've just assembled my first Ultimaker and now I'm trying to print a real 3D thing...but I have some problem.

    I cant' print neither using Netfabb nor ReplicatorG nor Cura.

    My last try was Cura. I updated the firmware (as suggested by the Cura install setting). But I was not lucky and even Cura didn't work with Ultimaker.

    So I tried to use again the ReplicatorG but it didn't work anymore because of the firmware I've installed with Cura.

    Now I'd like to go back to the pre-installed firmware fo Ultimaker/Arduino but I don't know what version it was.

    I've tried to download some version from "firmware.ultimaker.com" but I can't update the firmware, even if I try updating directly the Arduino board.

    Please, anyone can help me getting out of this issue?

    Thanks in advance


    Luca Mazzotti

  5. You're right about the "what & how often" but I think I can simplify my question in these terms: ABS has the same volume (cm3) both cold and fused? And what about PLA? If so then I can forecast how long a reel lasts by considering the average volume of Customer objects to print.

    One last question: what's the percentage of volume lack, concerning the infill material? We can say about 80% of the fully filled volume or what? I imagine there are settings also about that.

    Sorry for my weird questions but my Customers/Prospects will ask me those info to calculate the yearly costs of consumables, and I'm tring to figure it out.

    Thanks for your support and for your precious answers.


  6. Hi all Ultimaker friends,

    I'm a new user and I'm waiting for my new Ultimaker arriving. In the meantime I have a curiosity about the average consumption of consumables.

    I've calculated that in a "3mm 0.75kg reel" (bought at Ultimaker Shop) there are about 728 cm3 of material.

    Anyone of you has ever measured how many cm3 per second Ultimaker dispenses, based on a typical mid-quality Ultimaker/Netfabb setting?

    I'd like to answer to this real question: how long does a reel last?

    Should be made different measurements, for ABS and for PLA, because I know that PLA is more "fast" due to its lower viscosity at the same temperature of ABS. Please, can you confirm that?

    Doing those measurements we can have an average time duration of a kg of ABS/PLA (surely depending on how much we print), so we'll have the confirmation about the convenience of Ultimaker versus its market competitors! :D

    Please, anyone has those measurements done or could do it?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who read this post and can help me finding an answer.

    I wish you a nice time with your Ultimaker!


    Luca Mazzotti

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