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Posts posted by thewanman

  1. Don't get me wrong I appreciate people who use the Ultimaker equipment and since you put it that way maybe you can help.

    I have one unusually shaped 3d part that has nice curves to it that I would like built in ABS. I realize the Ultimaker does not have a heated bed, but I was wondering if someone could attempt it to see if the part can be built and if it can it will give me more confidence in purchasing a unit.

    I am not sure how to get the STL files to any of you who can help.

    The part by itself is larger than the build envelop but I have cut it in four sections which give each section a flat edge to build from. When the parts are all put together it is cruved with no flat surface to build from. I just want to see if any one of the sections can be built in ABS. The reason for ABS is the part will experience some stress and strain and will ultimately be exposed to water, so I prefer it in ABS. If anyone thinks it may be OK as PLA, I would be willing to entertain having it made in that material also.

    To anyone who wants to help who has a Ultimaker machine, if you provide an email address, I can send you the files for your review.

    Thanks in advance for the assistance.

  2. I think it is quite funny about all the hoopla over this chinese company and the rights to sell and all the support you will get from Ultimaker. I sent two emails to Ultimaker over a 2 week period and have gotten no response, its been 3 weeks now. If I had a machine and that was the kind of response I get, I would not be a happy camper. I read many blogs where people are pissed that there is no support and their Ultimaker is now a very expensive garbage can. I have a serious project for a client that requested I purchase a low end 3D printer to make a prototype for him and I want to make sure the parts can be made so I wanted to send the files to Ultimaker to get their response, but no response from Ultimaker. How can I put my trust in a company that makes a product and has no support and by the way absolutely no warranty, other than sending replacement parts. Sorry if I am a not so positive, I love the machine, have looked at the images of what it can do and the speed on the videos, but what good is it if there is no one to discuss issues with other than people using the machine?

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