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Posts posted by andytenbroek

  1. Hi,

    I am new to 3d printing. I just have a 2 weeks experience, but I can say it's a lot of fun. :D

    The thing I discovered with printing is that the quality of the prints always has to do with de hardware and not software. For instance belt tension, smoothness of the print head and all other moving parts (I oil it before every print with machine oil) and filament feed.

    I too had the problem yesterday with the blobby ness when you have a 100% infill. You can also hear it because the print head bounces over the just hardened filament. (by the way I printed in pink PLA that I got from ultimaker)

    Though the first few layers were absolutely flawless, after 20 layers the blobs came. My first thought was there is to much filament coming out of the print head. So I measured the thickness of the filament right under the extruder. There is a difference in thickness on the spool of filament, this also can cause a jam.

    When you set the thickness of the filament in the beginning, the software will calculate how much filament is needed. But when the thickness changes on the spool, then you will have to much material coming out.

    I thought of an idea that might prevent this problem. Is it possible to make a very accurate sensor, that measures the thickness of the filament constantly, and that the program running the gcode adjusts the material feed when the thickness changes? So therefore you will never have a difference in filament flow from the print head.

    Thanks for giving it a thought.



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