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Posts posted by eckoe17

  1. Habe gerade kein passendes bei Conrad gefunden.

    Grundsätzlich hängt das von der Leistung deines Heated Bed ab. Das normale Heated Bed für den RepRap hat 120W und 12V

    Also brauchst du ein Relais das min 10A 12V schalten kann.

    Aber warum Solid state? Ich habe für meines ein normal Relais verwendet und auf Hysteresensteuerung gestellt. Aufpassen musst du allerdings beim Thermistor. Bei mir zeigt der Ultimaker bei 20°C 55°C an.

    Beim normalen Relais muss du nur auf die Leistung aufpassen also eines mit ca 20V Steuerspannung nehmen.


  2. hmm i disabled PIDTEMPBED but i still have about 7Hz Switching Frequenzy on the heated bed.

    My Configuration:

    // Bed Temperature Control
    // Select PID or bang-bang with PIDTEMPBED.  If bang-bang, BED_LIMIT_SWITCHING will enable hysteresis
    // uncomment this to enable PID on the bed.   It uses the same ferquency PWM as the extruder. 
    // If your PID_dT above is the default, and correct for your hardware/configuration, that means 7.689Hz,
    // which is fine for driving a square wave into a resistive load and does not significantly impact you FET heating.
    // This also works fine on a Fotek SSR-10DA Solid State Relay into a 250W heater. 
    // If your configuration is significantly different than this and you don't understand the issues involved, you proabaly 
    // shouldn't use bed PID until someone else verifies your hardware works.
    // If this is enabled, find your own PID constants below.
    //#define PIDTEMPBED
    // This sets the max power delived to the bed, and replaces the HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER option.
    // all forms of bed control obey this (PID, bang-bang, bang-bang with hysteresis)
    // setting this to anything other than 255 enables a form of PWM to the bed just like HEATER_BED_DUTY_CYCLE_DIVIDER did,
    // so you shouldn't use it unless you are OK with PWM on your bed.  (see the comment on enabling PIDTEMPBED)
    #define MAX_BED_POWER 255 // limits duty cycle to bed; 255=full current
    #ifdef PIDTEMPBED
    //120v 250W silicone heater into 4mm borosilicate (MendelMax 1.5+)
    //from FOPDT model - kp=.39 Tp=405 Tdead=66, Tc set to 79.2, argressive factor of .15 (vs .1, 1, 10)
       #define  DEFAULT_bedKp 10.00
       #define  DEFAULT_bedKi .023
       #define  DEFAULT_bedKd 305.4

    About the Hardware: I re-checked everything, but I still cant figure out, why the Value is not changing. Only Solution from my side is, that I create my own thermistor table for this thermistor.

  3. Hi Daid,

    Got the newest code from Github and changed the configuration a bit. My Output works now, but i think PID Control of heated bed is still activated, because I got a switching frequency of my Relais of about 7Hz. The Attached file is my configuration.h may you can tell me, where I did the wrong configuration.

    Thermistor is wired up like in the wiki.





    -------------------- Signal





    The pins of the thermistor are attached to the outer pins of the molex header.

    My Thermistor has a Resistance of about 170K at 22 degrees. I dont know why the Signal doesnt change even when i heat up to about 80°C (Resistance about 75K). The signal should be 4.72V but it stays at 5V. If I change the 4.7k to a higher Value, the Signal changes. I checked the Routing and the schematic of the Ultimaker print to get sure, if there is a reason for the abnormal behavior. I couldnt find anything to explain it. But after some search I found other with the same problem. They also changed their top resistor to get things done. Also I am reading a higher Input Voltage (ca 5.3V) when main power is on. I dont have checked the schematics of the Arduino board, may this is the reason for wrong values.

  4. Hi guys,

    You are my last chance for any help.

    1st: What I am trying to do: Getting a heated bed (the relais option) to work properly.

    2nd: What is not working: First. 4.7k Resistor is too low (Thermistor NTC 100k B57560G104F). Ich checked the Signal line with the oscilloscope. It stays at about 5V. So the SW will return 0 Temp for Bed. Second, if i get the bed temp inside the min/max borders and set the bed temp, the output pin of the arduino board (in my case 4) stays at GND.

    3rd: What have I done till now: I replaced the 4.7k resistor with a 20k. Now the SW is reading a value from the Thermistor (22°C will be shown as 45.7°C) I checked, if my motherboard is configured in Marlin source code. Output pin should for heated bed should be 4. The only thing, which i can think of preventing the Arduino to set the Output high is the following code:

    I think, that pwm count is always higher than soft_pwm_b


     static unsigned char temp_count = 0; static unsigned long raw_temp_0_value = 0; static unsigned long raw_temp_1_value = 0; static unsigned long raw_temp_2_value = 0; static unsigned long raw_temp_bed_value = 0; static unsigned char temp_state = 0; static unsigned char pwm_count = 1; static unsigned char soft_pwm_0; #if EXTRUDERS > 1 static unsigned char soft_pwm_1; #endif #if EXTRUDERS > 2 static unsigned char soft_pwm_2; #endif #if HEATER_BED_PIN > -1 static unsigned char soft_pwm_b; #endif if(pwm_count == 0){   soft_pwm_0 = soft_pwm[0];   if(soft_pwm_0 > 0) WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,1);   #if EXTRUDERS > 1   soft_pwm_1 = soft_pwm[1];   if(soft_pwm_1 > 0) WRITE(HEATER_1_PIN,1);   #endif   #if EXTRUDERS > 2   soft_pwm_2 = soft_pwm[2];   if(soft_pwm_2 > 0) WRITE(HEATER_2_PIN,1);   #endif   #if HEATER_BED_PIN > -1   soft_pwm_b = soft_pwm_bed;   if(soft_pwm_b > 0) WRITE(HEATER_BED_PIN,1);   #endif } if(soft_pwm_0 <= pwm_count) WRITE(HEATER_0_PIN,0); #if EXTRUDERS > 1 if(soft_pwm_1 <= pwm_count) WRITE(HEATER_1_PIN,0); #endif #if EXTRUDERS > 2 if(soft_pwm_2 <= pwm_count) WRITE(HEATER_2_PIN,0); #endif #if HEATER_BED_PIN > -1 if(soft_pwm_b <= pwm_count) WRITE(HEATER_BED_PIN,0); #endif pwm_count++; pwm_count &= 0x7f;


    Is the creator of Marlin reacheable trough this forum, or had anybody the same problems? :?:

    Please help.

    Thank you!

    Lukas :D

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