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Posts posted by nic6911

  1. Hi.

    I am having some issues with Cura doing excessive amounts of travel when printing things like for example this gear I have attached. I can see that in some of the old versions of Cura (e.g. 14.07) the travel is not such a big issue as in the new Cura.

    I have played around with the different settings, but nothing seems to work. I know that combing is off, but this is intentionally. If I turn it on again it will have the same amount of travel, just not crossing the middle of the model.

    Is there anyway to get rid of all this travel?? Printing this will take a looong with all that travel...

    Best regards



  2. Hi. I have been using the older versions of cura for my printing without any issues.

    But i recently updated to the new version 13.06.4.

    This gives me an issue when the print starts.

    BTW I have a Prusa i3.

    The z-axis will home and then lift 15mm from the platform. In the older versions this was done at a reasonable speed, but in the new this is done by 20 times the speed, resulting in the steppers not moving at all.

    I can still use the older versions of Cura.

    The line in the gcode that does the damage is this:

    G1 Z15.0 F2400 ;move the platform down 15mm

    In the older versions of Cura that line would be for example:

    G1 Z15.0 F120 ;move the platform down 15mm

    So F120 just became F2400 resulting in the loss of steps.

    I have googled and also did a search on z-axis in this forum without any result.

    How do I fix this problem?

    Regards Nic


  3. Hi. thank's for the reply's.

    I have moved the file to the applications folder. So that should not be the issue. The same STL is sliced without problems with cura running on my laptop.

    I also installed win7 with bootcamp on my mac and can slice in cura there.

    But it would be nice if it worked in OSX though...

    I don't now how to give anything execute permissions on a mac :S

  4. Hi.

    I have been using cura before on a win8 laptop without problems. I now have a mac, and trying to run cura.

    I open cura - works fine

    i define my settings - no problem

    I open my stl - works fine (i can se the model)

    I then hit the "prepare model" key - it just says starting... and nothing happens...

    I can abort the process - cura does not crash

    I have tried this before on a windows pc running win xp, and never got it to work in that machine.

    I have looked through a couple of forums and searched in this one, but i can't seem to find an answer..

    Anyone got an idea?

    Regards Nic

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