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Posts posted by shibbs

  1. Hey all,

    Just getting my ultimaker dialed in, and I'm having an issue that I'm pretty sure has to be on Cura's end. When I print solid or thin boxes and other simple rectilinear shapes, everything prints GREAT. But when I print things that are more featured or have angled sides, it generally stops printing outer walls on features that are higher up (in z) and that are inset from the outermost walls of the body. Instead I just get the fill pattern on the edges, without walls. Attached is a picture of the printing of a recent part, which clearly demonstrates the issue, but I also see this issue on a cone-shaped part I'm making,a test pyramid, and the makerbot test robot.

    I can't imagine this is the fault of anything but Cura. I'm using pretty standard settings, and DL'd Cura last week, .5mm walls (though have tried up to 1mm with no change), 100% infill (other infills don't work either), and no matter what other things I change, I still see this issue, so I'm sure there's just some setting I'm missing. FWIW I'm not using Joris.

    Also, if there's some way to zoom in my preview pane in Cura, that would be great as well, as it is I can't see the GCode generation that clearly, but from what I can tell, the printing issues seems to be consistent with the preview.



    The thing I'm trying to print :


    A close-up of the part :


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